Thursday, February 9, 2023


 Thanks to Greg for helping out with the tech aspect of our ELA pilots.  It is much appreciated!

Kerry had a comfort dog in her room yesterday which was a big hit with her students and beyond.  Also a reminder that her students are making soup 2nd period stop by to see the process or later in the day to taste the final product.

Sherry's kids did a great job with her sphero projects this week, adding voice features added another layer of creativity.

Please read Kim G's reminder about the end of the trimester and make sure your grades are submitted by 2-28 at noon.  Also thanks to Kim G for all the help she is providing both the Ad Center and Evergreen while doing an always great job for us.  We appreciate your efforts!

Strengthening peer relationships in the classroom.

Thanks to the 8th grade team for helping me with a list of 8th graders to attend a leadership summit at WCCHS on March 8th. This is a great opportunity for our students to meet with the student leaders of Leman, Winfield and WCCHS.  I will share the final list soon as the students will be at the highschool on that day.  

Thanks to Betty for completing the Access testing with our EL students.  I know it requires a lot of planning and effort.

Just a reminder for the March 3rd Institute.  Please fill out either the new in-house PD Google Form if you are staying at Benjamin on that day, or the District Conference form if you are going out.  I have already submitted our PD Plan with the DuPage ROE (which was approved) so people staying in-house can get PD Hours.  

This is National School Counselor Week.  I know that Todd and Nicole are not technically counselors but they serve some of the same duties and I know we appreciate what they do for our students and staff!

When middle school students spend a day in service giving back...

Please consider being part of the Tech Advisory Committee that Greg sent an email out.  We need a lot of representation but the committee requirements will only be to attend both meetings.  Reach out to Greg if you have any questions.  

Thanks to everyone for your hard work on the curriculum maps this past Wednesday.  Please come to me with any questions you have as I do hope to be able to show the SB progress by the May SB meeting.

I appreciate the work that Solly and Dr. Woell did for the ROE compliance visit.  Sitting with ROE representatives and answering questions all day on Wednesday can be a tiring process.  I will be following up with some staff on updates that will need to be made before the end of the year.  

Please consider signing up for HW club supervision.  See Nicole's email for more information.  

Thanks to Angela for sharing this MobyMax training webinar and for creating the Canvas Page.  Resource links can be found in Angela's email or in the links below. 

"A wealth of information creates a poverty of attention." -- Herbert Simon
"Courage: A perfect sensibility of the measure of danger, and a mental willingness to endure it." -- William Tecumseh Sherman
You never know how strong you are, until being strong is your only choice." -- Bob Marley

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