Thursday, October 6, 2022


 Blog will be a little different today just want to cover two topics:

First, just a reminder of two funding opportunities.  I know that sometimes you think of projects or classroom activities that you would like to implement and you are looking for a funding source.  I have attached the Foundation Grant Application Guidelines  and the Application that Mrs. Szada talked about at our Staff Learning Meeting on Wednesday.

foundation grant guidelines

Foundation Grant Application

Next, Lisa Kuehn just sent me an informational sheet about how they can help fund a project through donors  Lisa and Janice have had great success in the past funding a variety of projects.  I will send the pdf they sent in an email but here is a summary.

How does it work?

1. Teachers ask.

To help brainstorm project ideas and identify what your in-person and remote classrooms need, finish these sentences:

To teach an upcoming unit, my students need_______.

To bring my dream learning activity to life, my class needs _______.

To make my school a more vibrant and engaging place for students, my school needs _______.

The grant writing team will create your project page on DonorsChoose. Then, with your input, we will write your project description and select your items from the DonorsChoose vendors (Amazon, Best Buy, Frey Scientific, etc.) .

2. Donors choose.

Donations to your first project will be matched for the first 7 days! You share your project in your network (like on social media, via email, and in person) while we let our community of supporters know about your new project via email blasts and posts on district social media.

3. Students learn.

Items will begin to ship directly to the school as soon as your project is fully funded and usually all items are in your classroom within 1 week. We will thank donors on your behalf and share photos of your students using their new resources.

Giving Tuesday is November 29, 2022.

We’d love to create a DonorsChoose project for you and promote it on Giving Tuesday.

Next, a week does not a year make but I do need your help in keeping the culture of our school safe and orderly. 

Please make sure we are reinforcing procedures and teaching expectations.  This is so important in letting kids know that we have high expectations of them not just academically but behaviorally as well. Some examples: Lining up at the door quietly before you let students in the classroom, walking in orderly way in the hallway, using a pass for students when they need to get a drink/fill their water bottle or go to the restroom, only allowing one person out of class at a time, stepping out in the hall during passing period, checking bathrooms when you can, sending kids to the library and not the hallway to work in small groups (if you can't see them they are unsupervised)  requiring students to listen to announcements, enforcing that study skills is a quiet orderly environment for student to get work done and get assistance etc...

Rewarding Positive Behavior: 

 Giving specific verbal praise for students doing the right thing, doing a job well done and helping others. 

 Handing out Fish Slips to reward positive behavior.  

Finally and most importantly, continuing to build positive relationships with all students (especially the ones that don't make it easy) on a daily basis.  You are the most important factor in guiding your students to make good decisions at school and when they know you are in their corner they will move mountains for you.  

Please don't take these words as me thinking you are not doing your job. These are just reminders that all of us doing these things consistently together  as a team makes our school stronger.  

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