Thursday, October 13, 2022


 A huge thank you to our subs and teaching assistants covering different roles this week.  Tom, Holly, Alicia, Jen R, Jill, Jen M, and Sue we couldn't do it without you!

I also want to thank Mark, Jim, Bill, Alex, Dan, Jignasa, Colleen, Lauren and Jen that went to outdoor ed this week.  Without your willingness to do this kids would miss out on this amazing learning/social opportunity.  Thank you!

How to get students to use their planners.

I have been able to do a lot of first round observations but am behind on my formal notes!  Thanks for your patience as I catch up from a crazy week.  

Josh has been working hard getting ready to launch his maker club.  I appreciate all the prep work and organization he is putting in ahead of time to ensure a smooth start.  

For those of you that have asked, Tony is recuperating nicely after his operation and appreciates your well wishes.   

Thanks to our lunch duty subs Nicole, Carrie, Sue and Courtney as well as our regulars Jen H and Joe H for keeping our lunchroom running operating at high efficiency.  

Speaking of high efficiency, huge  shout out to Vanessa for always running around and problem solving our tech needs, problems and projects.  

Giving student choices to increase engagement.

It was great having Michael Miles out again this week sharing his musical talents with our students.

Appreciate all of our Fall coaches for a job well done this season and congrats to Matt and Joe for leading the boys soccer team to the conference championship.  

I am grateful that Dr. Salamone was able to share her expertise with our teachers last week and our teaching assistants this week at our early release day. I also appreciate the work that teachers completed on curriculum maps this year.

Getting fast thinkers to slow down.

Thanks to our ELA Committee who participated in another curriculum presentation this week.  I appreciate your input and your communication back to your team so we are in the best position  to make a great choice for our students.  

I was excited for the theater production announcement of Mary Poppins as the Benjamin musical this year.  I know that Melissa, Danielle nd April will knock it out of the park this year as always.  

7 healthy Tips for a better night's sleep

"Three enemies of personal peace: regret over yesterday’s mistakes, anxiety over tomorrow’s problems, and ingratitude for today’s blessings." -- William Arthur Ward

"A team is not a group of people that work together. A team is a group of people that trust each other." -- Simon Sinek

"The more you say, the less they remember." -- Anatole France

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