Thursday, September 8, 2022


 Thanks to Greg for organizing the Registration meeting between the school secretaries, district nurse and administrators.  It is always smart to review new processes and implement improvements for a smoother process next time around.

Thanks to Jessica and Todd for going to Evergreen to help with Fastbridge screening.  It is nice to see time and time again that we have the mentality of two schools, one district.  

Small daily habits to boost mental health

Just a reminder to all staff to make sure we are being consistent with the expectations we set at the opening assembly and in your student handbook presentations the first week of school.  Cell phones, hallway and classroom behavior, study skills, lunch and academic expectations are all important.  Students look to us for guidance and for us to teach expectations in all areas.  Also please remember that while write ups can certainly be necessary at times, fish slips can also be used to reinforce positive expectations.

I would like to thank all of our teaching assistants for doing a fabulous job supporting our students and teachers and a special shout out to Holly, who with almost no notice was switched into the 7th grade teaching assistant position to rave reviews.  I appreciate her flexibility and the 7th grade team appreciates her attention to detail in following their expectations.

Metacognition for teachers:  Quick Habits of Mind Reminder

Do you ever find yourself talking to yourself? How do you take note of what is going on inside your head? Thinking about your thinking is something that we all do, even if we are not aware of it happening. When we become more metacognitive, we grow our inner awareness by becoming more self-observing. It is our ability to plan a strategy for producing what information is needed, to be conscious of our own steps and strategies during the act of problem-solving, and to reflect on and evaluate the productiveness of our own thinking. Planning a strategy before embarking on a course of action assists us as we keep track of the steps in the sequence of planned behavior at the conscious awareness level for the duration of the activity. It facilitates making temporal and comparative judgments, assessing the readiness for more or different activities, and monitoring our interpretations, perceptions, decisions, and behaviors.

  • How am I thinking about this?
  • What kind of thinking will be called for in this situation? For example, Analyzing? Comparing? Creating?
  • How effective is the strategy that I am using? What changes might be needed?
  • Did my efforts succeed? What could I have done differently?


My students AFTER I provide CLEAR, PRECISE directions

Thanks to Dr. Woell for his assistance with securing buses for our sports and field trips.  It was a lot of work behind the scenes to make it happen and really benefits our students.   

Please don't forget to turn in your social committee $ and PTA $ and membership form.  Also thanks to Kerry, April and Jessica for already signing up to attend a PTA meeting.  Next weeks meeting on the 15th is still open if anyone is interested.  

The cognitive benefits of daydreaming: 

Next week I will be busy after school with a Team Leader Meeting on Monday, Mentee Meeting on Tuesday and the ELA Resource Committee Meeting on Wednesday.  Thanks to all staff for your participation in committees and leadership roles of all kinds. 

Please take time next week to look at the IAR scores I sent and think about possible school improvement input(not necessarily related to IAR)  in your team meetings.  

 "A good example has twice the value of good advice."

-- Albert Schweitzer

"Creativity is the defeat of habit by originality." -- Arthur Koestler

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