Thursday, September 1, 2022


 As mentioned previously in my email, thanks for all of your hard work and preparation that went into making curriculum night a great success.    

Thanks to Dan, Kerry, Matt, Joe, Bill and Courtney for all of their hard work and dedication in getting the Benjamin Fall Sports Teams ready for competition.  Special thanks to Dan for his role as AD and dealing with a lot of parent questions at the start of the season.  Also thanks to Lynette, Jessica and Megan for helping to supervise the games yesterday.

The 5 types of Mentors you need in your life.  Kind of goes with our beginning of the year discussion on the people you want to be around.

I was able to get into about a dozen classrooms this week, which is my favorite part of my job.  It's great to see the varied talents of our staff and how they engage students in the lesson by role playing bad science safety, leading a short nature trip behind our school, teaching PE expectations so students can succeed in following them, combining get to you activities with student presentations, leading engaging discussions, keeping students accountable with note cards,  o making the worst cake in America to show the importance of the scientific method and many, many more.

Just to update information from my monthly meeting email:  September 14th the teaching assistants will have PD at Evergreen at 2:20pm and the rest of the staff ML PD at Evergreen from 3:00pm-4pm.  Members of the ELA adoption committee will meet at Evergreen from 3:30pm-4:30pm

Thanks to Bill, Joe, Lynette, Kathy, Sue, and Melissa L for doing such a great job with morning lot duty and Nicole, Jen V, Sue, Sherry and Melissa L for doing a great job with after school bus/car duty.  Getting kiddos to and from school in a safe manner is priority number one.  

Thanks to Angela and Danielle for working with our subs and giving them a refresher training so they know what to do when coming into our buildings.  Knowing we have subs knowledgeable about procedures and tech use makes our school run so much smoother.  

5 ways to get to know students at the start of the school year.

Thanks to Lauren for picking up donuts and Todd for bringing coffee yesterday for a much needed pick me up after curriculum night! Please don't forget to get your money into Lauren for the social committee as well as your $5 for PTA membership to the PTA mailbox.  

Thanks to Jen V, Jim, Jen H, Bill, Jessica, Lynette and Joe for doing lunch duty each day.  Getting students to follow procedures so that lunch/recess goes smoothly between the 4 grades and two lunch periods is extremely important and requires patience, many verbal and great use of proximity.  

The Power of Relationships in Schools.  Watch this 3 minute video.

Huge thank you to Kathy for stepping up in the lead role for the bookfair on short notice to fill in for an ill Michelle F.  It is a lot of work over three days and one night  including packing everything up at the end.  The students definitely benefited from your dedication.  

"No matter how you feel today, get up, dress up and show up." | Paulo Coelho

"If you can't say it clearly, you don't understand it yourself." -- John Searle

Delusions of grandeur make me feel a lot better about myself.
Jane Wagner

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