Thursday, March 24, 2022


 Sherry had 4 periods of a spanish fiesta on Thursday!  What a great celebration.  Having parent volunteers and lots of food made it a real school community event.  

Thursday the 5th grade class had a special Zoom with two Weather Meteorologists from Texas to talk about Hurricanes.  This ties in with their social studies and ILAR units.  Great to have real experts talking with the kids to keep them engaged in the content.

Thanks to Dan, Matt and Nicole for doing a great job at the sports awards on Wednesday night.  The kids were able to celebrate and be recognized for a great winter sports season.  

How the Arts can be the foundation for teaching!

I got a chance to sub this week and was able to see Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Falkos, Mrs. Seeman, and Mr. Feffer do a wonderful job of interacting and supporting their students in a variety of fun and engaging activities. I had a great time and learned some things!

Subbing for teaching assistants also reminded me once again how important to our school they are.  Just as an example being in Courtneys class a couple times this week  I was able to see Carrie lead a whole class math review in preparation for a test and Gina and Carrie work individually with students for  the entire period.  Thanks to all of our teaching assistants for what they do each day.  

Another day at Starbucks...

When we get back from a well deserved break we have IAR testing.  Please remember to log into your pearson access next account today and check your roster.  Also we will have paper and headphones for students that need them.  

I was able to celebrate the end of the chess season on Thursday with the team.  Thanks again to Rich and Joe for filling in this season to help supervise.  Two chess masters were also spotted at the party challenging the students to a match. 

Thanks to Mrs. Kuehn and Mrs. Youngwith for their work on getting the PE departments donor choose golf program funded in just one week!  I know Joe and Jen are excited to get this project started.  

Jessica and Jen have done a great job working with NJHS on collecting books for Africa.  Now they will need help lifting the boxes of books!

Let's be proactive and preventive this Friday while teaching our students and supervising them during their downtime.  With everyone focused on doing their best I'm sure we will have a great last day before break.  

I was lucky enough to attend the Evergreen musical tonight.  What a great show to an absolutely packed house.  Josh (tech), Renee (artwork) and Ruth (musical conductor) put on a great show of singing and dancing with their theme "We can Make a Difference" !

I hope everyone enjoys some downtime next week before we hit the home stretch to the end of the school year. 

What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog.
Dwight D. Eisenhower

An ounce of action is worth a ton of theory,
Fredrich Engels

For peace of mind, resign as general manager of the universe.

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