Thursday, March 17, 2022


 I am pumped up for today's (and this weekend's) performance of Annie! I have heard their rehearsals and they sound awesome!  Thanks to April, Danielle and Melissa for the work put into the production.  Also thanks to Bill Wadman and Joe Hauser who will be helping backstage, as well as thanks to everyone signed up to supervise.  

Sherry has another STEM parade video and they keep getting better.  Thanks to Sherry, Angela and Megan P for making this such a fun and engaging project for students.  Watch til the end as there is a surprise.

Kerry's class did a leprechaun hunt with her students.  Following footsteps around the building leading to a treasure.  What a fun and engaging activity for her students.

Sam will be piloting a new check-in program with a couple 5th and 6th grade students.  He will check in with them 1st period starting Monday.  If successful we will add a couple 7th and 8th graders to the list.  Thanks to Alex for the idea and for getting Sam set-up to do this.

Building argumentation skills in math.

Please make an extra effort to be in the hallways next week so we can be proactive on shutting down off task behavior before break.  

I am looking forward to awards night Wednesday Evening for our basketball teams.  Thanks to Dan and Matt for their hard work for a successful season.

How to optimize working memory.

March Madness is taking over Benjamin!  8th grades fun adventure has kicked off and we also have the equally exciting March Madness of Poetry with Mrs. Peterson.  Something for every interest!

Please make sure you log into PAN next week to make sure things look right for your testing class.  We do not want to wait until the morning of testing to find out someone is missing or any other mistake.

Thanks to the 5th grade team for administering the CogATs this week.  They will help in our placement and our ability to challenge students.

The student art looks great all over the building.  Thanks to Lynette and her art students for brightening up our halls.  

Nine times out of ten the best thing that can happen to a young man is to be tossed overboard and compelled to sink or swim. 
 James Garfield

The forgiving state of mind is a magnetic power for attracting good.
Catherine Ponder

Grief can take care of itself, but to get the full value of a joy you must have somebody to divide it with.
Mark Twain

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