Thursday, February 25, 2021


 Thanks to Jen Harvel who set up a wonderful experience for our 8th grade students with Agnes Schwartz a Holocaust survivor. The students should also be commended for asking excellent questions.  If you wish to purchase Agnes's book "A Roll of the Dice" you can make a check out to the Benjamin Activity Fund for $15.  You have until Thursday March 4th to make this purchase and Agnes is going to personalize each book.  We also had permission to record her Zoom and will figure out how to make it accessible for you to view.

How to facilitate a remote socratic seminar.

Kerry's baby shower was super fun yesterday. Thanks to Nicole for organizing the virtual event.  I know we wish them the best as they take on the adventure of parenthood.  I also think it is great to celebrate together as a staff every positive event we can!

Just a reminder that the trimester changes this Monday. That means students will start new specials classes.  Grades are due to Kim by Wednesday at 10:00am so that report cards can be sent out.  We will also have a few  more in-person students as sent in a previous email. 

Just a reminder that learning standards need to be filled out for report cards this trimester.

9 Ways to promote equity in our schools.

Thanks to the schedule committee for meeting on Wednesday and taking on the task of improving the schedule for student learning. 

How to spark intrinsic motivation in your students.

Morgan M has done a great job of taking over the band program this week!  I am so glad to have been able to secure her to work with our students and will be a great asset to our staff. 

In the never ending drama of testing, the latest word from the state looks like IAR testing is more likely to take place this year.  Read below if you wish. I will be working on a testing schedule to share with team leaders and layout the testing window so we can be prepared if/when it is upon us. 

US Department of Ed Letter

Another article about how we need to be careful in how we interpret this years test results.

5 essential survey information will be sent out next week. 

Thanks to Melissa for sending out information about our upcoming safety drills and to the teachers for explaining to our students the difference in our lockdown drill this year compared to an actual lockdown.  

Jessica and her crack staff of reporters put out another excellent edition of the Tiger Times.  Please check it out so you can appreciate their hard work.

In person clubs will begin to launch next week.  Club supervisors, please make sure that you have checked in with me if you haven't done so yet and please make sure you communicate with your club members and the office staff on the specifics of your club as there will be a wide range of club options as we make this transition and it is important that the office can answer questions if parents call. 

I am happy that MJ's class is moving to a longer day 4 days a week starting on Monday.  It will be great for her students to have more in-person time. 

Theodore Roosevelt

"Try never to be the smartest person in the room. And if you are, I suggest you invite smarter people . . . or find a different room." -- Michael Dell

"As you get older, don't slow down. Speed up. There's less time left!" -- Malcolm Forbes

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