Thursday, February 11, 2021


 Please make sure you refer to Dr. Woell's email and bring all necessary paperwork if you are going to get vaccinated tomorrow at WCCHS.  

I enjoyed getting to sub for a couple teachers this week and seeing the students in the classroom and online.  It was fun getting to work with them individually and as a whole group. It also reminded me how hard you work each day. Thank you.

Writing increases learning in almost every subject.

Speaking of subs, thanks to Angela who will be training another new substitute on Tuesday.  

It was nice to see Morgan Martin in the building working with Mr. Turek on Monday.  Getting a couple opportunities to shadow him will make the transition smooth when she takes over.  

Thanks to the PE teachers for allowing pictures to be run through their classes again on Monday and to Ellen for facilitating the remote students getting a chance to get their pictures taken as well. 

4 Core priorities for Trauma-Informed Distance Learning

I really appreciate the efforts of the grade level teams and PST for coming together in the data meetings and trying to come up with creative ways to help kids. Your persistence in parent communication and relationship building during these tough times is difficult but will help students in the long run. 

Descartes on Wonderment

Continued thanks to Tony and Frank for their hustle to take care of slippery spots outside and wet hallways on the inside. Thanks for keeping our students and staff safe.

Just a reminder to please submit a work order if you need something done maintenance, or set-up wise.  This helps Tim track trends in building problems and issues.

How to Play Crumple and Shoot. (A high energy low tech review game for all content areas)

Shout out to our teaching assistants who just like teachers are finding new ways to connect with students and helping them learn as they support students in the classroom and at home.  

New Literacy 101 (how to teach students to check those facts)

Thanks to Megan S and Marcia as they continue to help communicate information to staff and parents. Delivering information from  county and state agencies in a easy to understand matter can be a difficult job.

Thanks to all staff for using Wednesday's Early release day to develop engaging learning activities and planning out time to support students.  

A plan without action is not a plan. It's a speech." -- T. Boone Pickens

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