Thursday, February 25, 2021


 Thanks to Jen Harvel who set up a wonderful experience for our 8th grade students with Agnes Schwartz a Holocaust survivor. The students should also be commended for asking excellent questions.  If you wish to purchase Agnes's book "A Roll of the Dice" you can make a check out to the Benjamin Activity Fund for $15.  You have until Thursday March 4th to make this purchase and Agnes is going to personalize each book.  We also had permission to record her Zoom and will figure out how to make it accessible for you to view.

How to facilitate a remote socratic seminar.

Kerry's baby shower was super fun yesterday. Thanks to Nicole for organizing the virtual event.  I know we wish them the best as they take on the adventure of parenthood.  I also think it is great to celebrate together as a staff every positive event we can!

Just a reminder that the trimester changes this Monday. That means students will start new specials classes.  Grades are due to Kim by Wednesday at 10:00am so that report cards can be sent out.  We will also have a few  more in-person students as sent in a previous email. 

Just a reminder that learning standards need to be filled out for report cards this trimester.

9 Ways to promote equity in our schools.

Thanks to the schedule committee for meeting on Wednesday and taking on the task of improving the schedule for student learning. 

How to spark intrinsic motivation in your students.

Morgan M has done a great job of taking over the band program this week!  I am so glad to have been able to secure her to work with our students and will be a great asset to our staff. 

In the never ending drama of testing, the latest word from the state looks like IAR testing is more likely to take place this year.  Read below if you wish. I will be working on a testing schedule to share with team leaders and layout the testing window so we can be prepared if/when it is upon us. 

US Department of Ed Letter

Another article about how we need to be careful in how we interpret this years test results.

5 essential survey information will be sent out next week. 

Thanks to Melissa for sending out information about our upcoming safety drills and to the teachers for explaining to our students the difference in our lockdown drill this year compared to an actual lockdown.  

Jessica and her crack staff of reporters put out another excellent edition of the Tiger Times.  Please check it out so you can appreciate their hard work.

In person clubs will begin to launch next week.  Club supervisors, please make sure that you have checked in with me if you haven't done so yet and please make sure you communicate with your club members and the office staff on the specifics of your club as there will be a wide range of club options as we make this transition and it is important that the office can answer questions if parents call. 

I am happy that MJ's class is moving to a longer day 4 days a week starting on Monday.  It will be great for her students to have more in-person time. 

Theodore Roosevelt

"Try never to be the smartest person in the room. And if you are, I suggest you invite smarter people . . . or find a different room." -- Michael Dell

"As you get older, don't slow down. Speed up. There's less time left!" -- Malcolm Forbes

Thursday, February 18, 2021


 Matt Turek's last day will be today as he and his wife get ready for their new baby.  I know we all wish him the best as they take on their new adventure in parenthood. 

Here’s a look at how teachers can use a process called descriptive review to help them get to know every student more deeply, even during distance learning.

Thanks to Jen Harvel who is working on securing a Holocaust Survivor, Agnes Schwartz, to speak to the 8th grade students (possibly on February 24th ).  This is a tremendous opportunity for our students that won't be available for many more years to come.  

Audiobooks are real reading!

The wheels are in motion to start the return of in-person clubs. I will be sending information out next week to club supervisors and may possibly be scheduling a meeting with them as well.  

I appreciate the time and the humor that the Social Studies  Teachers brought to our meeting on Wednesday.  I realize the effort that goes into teaching a second content area and appreciate it.  

Creating a Mistake Friendly Classroom

Team Leaders please send me the attendance for the  E-learning days today by noon. Thank you.

Lyn is working hard on getting the yearbook finished for this very different year. Please Follow Her instructions if you want to order one.  

Thanks to all the staff for your initiative and hard work in getting lessons posted and check in timesset for our students on the  E-learning day this past Tuesday.  

Thanks to Nicole for sending out the-random acts of  kindness list on Wednesday. I encourage staff to share with students and to participate as well.   Doing something kind for someone else always will lift your mood and spirits.

I should be finished contacting all of the parents for our new strategic math students and 4 day a week students. Hopefully this will help our students raise their grades and remove some obstacles in their learning. 

Speaking of grades, with one week left in the trimester ,please make sure you are reminding students of deadlines and communicating with parents on important assessments that could impact student final grades. 

A simple trick for success with One Pagers.  (Read or listen)

This Wednesday we will have the first master schedule committee meeting.  I look forward to the new ideas people will bring.  

Thanks to Megan D for volunteering last Friday at our vaccination .  The event ran smoothly do to all of the volunteers and organization at the high school.

Jen V and Lynette will be rocking their new speaker with students after their old one went into retirement.  Stop by to hear some tunes  and to get some exercise.  

To succeed, you must first believe you can." -- Nikos Kazantzakis

"Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen." -- Michael Jordan

Thursday, February 11, 2021


 Please make sure you refer to Dr. Woell's email and bring all necessary paperwork if you are going to get vaccinated tomorrow at WCCHS.  

I enjoyed getting to sub for a couple teachers this week and seeing the students in the classroom and online.  It was fun getting to work with them individually and as a whole group. It also reminded me how hard you work each day. Thank you.

Writing increases learning in almost every subject.

Speaking of subs, thanks to Angela who will be training another new substitute on Tuesday.  

It was nice to see Morgan Martin in the building working with Mr. Turek on Monday.  Getting a couple opportunities to shadow him will make the transition smooth when she takes over.  

Thanks to the PE teachers for allowing pictures to be run through their classes again on Monday and to Ellen for facilitating the remote students getting a chance to get their pictures taken as well. 

4 Core priorities for Trauma-Informed Distance Learning

I really appreciate the efforts of the grade level teams and PST for coming together in the data meetings and trying to come up with creative ways to help kids. Your persistence in parent communication and relationship building during these tough times is difficult but will help students in the long run. 

Descartes on Wonderment

Continued thanks to Tony and Frank for their hustle to take care of slippery spots outside and wet hallways on the inside. Thanks for keeping our students and staff safe.

Just a reminder to please submit a work order if you need something done maintenance, or set-up wise.  This helps Tim track trends in building problems and issues.

How to Play Crumple and Shoot. (A high energy low tech review game for all content areas)

Shout out to our teaching assistants who just like teachers are finding new ways to connect with students and helping them learn as they support students in the classroom and at home.  

New Literacy 101 (how to teach students to check those facts)

Thanks to Megan S and Marcia as they continue to help communicate information to staff and parents. Delivering information from  county and state agencies in a easy to understand matter can be a difficult job.

Thanks to all staff for using Wednesday's Early release day to develop engaging learning activities and planning out time to support students.  

A plan without action is not a plan. It's a speech." -- T. Boone Pickens

Thursday, February 4, 2021


Congrats to Sherry on completing her administrative classes and tests!! What a great accomplishment.

Thanks to Angela for giving her presentation on Hope and Resiliency, I think everyone can benefit from the presentation and thinking about your support group!  

Using Visual Design in your lessons/materials.

Thanks to all of our language arts teachers for celebrating World Read Aloud Day on Wednesday!  Kids see the love of reading that you have and they are lucky that all of you have a passion for reading.

A huge thanks to our morning and afternoon crew who make it look easy getting kids in and out of the building.

Thanks to the work that Betty has done to help get one of our students in the building.  Communication with the family has been key. 

8 quick checks for understanding.

We all know that pe teachers are flexible but they have also been super flexible with their schedule with pictures, vision and hearing and computer imaging...we all appreciate your generosity in getting these tasks completed.

Thanks to Vanessa for working hard to get the new filter on our student computers and to Greg for researching and moving the district forward with the new filter which may cause  short term hassle but will make the district safer in the long term. 

Healthy Discourse in group work.

I appreciate that Jessica went over to Evergreen to help with their Fast Bridge testing.

Tim, Tony and Frank have been burning the midnight oil to keep our grounds clean and safe with their plowing,shoveling and salting.  We appreciate it.

Teaching Black History

Thanks to Ellen for staying late and to Marcia and Megan S for helping out in the office.  

"Opportunity is not a lengthy visitor." --Stephen Sondheim

"Logic is no answer to passion." -- Herb Caen

The first rule of holes: When you're in one stop digging." -- Molly Ivins