Thursday, October 29, 2020


 It was great seeing kids in all of the classrooms this week. I am extremely proud of the great job you guys are doing with our in-person and remote students.  Teaching safety procedures and curriculum in-person and through new technology has been difficult but you have gotten the job done.

I am also grateful to everyone for practicing safe procedures outside of school that has allowed our staff attendance to be strong and our school to operate smoothly.  Special thanks to Holly and Mr. Durkin for being our super subs this week. 

Thanks to Vanessa, Ellen, Danielle and Angela for the quick turn around with the devices this week.  We appreciate all of your hard work.  

Greg has worked out a system to give subs  access to Canvas, Zoom and powerschool.  I will be testing it out and sending out directions soon.

Making quality video instruction

It was awesome to hear from a teacher that she received a message from one of her students telling her how much he enjoyed her asynchronous lesson on the election.  Sounds like some excellent planning that was engaging and tied in current events.  I am glad that the asynchronous days are being used for meaningful learning.

                                                Maslow Before Bloom

Thanks to all of our lunchroom supervisors, entrance workers and parking lot supervisors.  Your hard work has made this week run smoothly.

When Kids say I am not a Reader...

If you watched the BB300 you saw the special announcement about this years planned Musical.  Thanks to Melissa, April and Danielle for putting in the effort to make the clues and announcement special.  

Due to Parent Teacher conferences starting on the 5th, the staff learning meeting on November 4th is cancelled so you can use that time as needed to prepare.  

Speaking of PTC please make sure you copy your Zoom Information into the google doc that Danielle sent instruction for. Thanks To Danielle and Kim G for organizing this for us.  

Just a reminder about Dr. Woell's email, we will be taking November 11th and December 2nd as Remote Learning Planning Days.  

4 small habits that can make you energetic and productive

Thanks to Ellen for organizing the lunch process with Sodexo.  making it an easy process benefits our families. 

Thanks to Janice Y for helping our district tell our story through social media.  If you have any pics please send them her way. 

Thanks to MJ and her students for keeping the artwork coming. 

 Risks, I like to say, always pay off. You learn what to do, or what not to do."

-- Jonas Salk

Thursday, October 22, 2020


 Thanks to Dr. Woell for having the Staff Town Hall meeting and answering all of the staff questions.  Having open lines of communication is important and appreciated.

Teachers will continue to take attendance 1st period each day for students that are scheduled to be in the building.  All asynchronous students are assumed to be present unless we are notified by parents otherwise.

Thermometers will be placed in your mailbox by Megan today.  Please open it up so it is ready in case you need to use it starting on Monday. 

5 simple ways to manage stress this year.

Thanks to Marcia and Megan for notifying teachers of students that need to quarantine and will temporarily be added to your B Day Remote list. 

Thanks to Dr. Woell and Jen S for scheduling the Aztec Food Truck for our staff.  I heard only rave reviews from the staff.  

I am still in need of a couple more entrance workers, please let me know if you are available to assist.

Just a reminder that if you are interested, please fill out the registration form for the flu shot that Jen sent out and will be taking place after school on Friday, November 6th. 

Students will be coming to school with minimal school supplies please indicate to the students what they  need each day/week.

Working memory and its relation to student tech skills.

Thanks to Jen and Lynette for showing the student video yesterday to all students and once again to Angela, Danielle and Chris for all of their help filming and editing it.

A question in our staff learning meeting that was asked inquired about the dates that parents had to choose between remote and hybrid.  The phase we are entering on Monday will last until the week before Thanksgiving Break.  Then parents will choose again which will last until February 25th,  

Please check out PearDeck now that we have a pro license.  Per Greg's email you should have confirmed your pro account yesterday.  Angela and Danielle have PearDeck resources on the Canvas resources page including tutorials. 

Thanks to our whole tech and custodial staffs.  Without your hard work behind the scenes we would not be ready for students on Monday.  

I am confident in our plan to return because of one  You make the difference in our students education, in-person and online.

“The secret is here in the present. If you pay attention to the present, you can improve upon it. And, if you improve on the present, what comes later will also be better.” – Paulo Coelho

Thursday, October 15, 2020


 Thanks to the PST Team for running the data meetings yesterday.  To clarify and answer questions from the grade level teams:  The mandatory Check For Understanding should not be another thing on your plate. It is simply encouraging the students that need it the most, to attend the CFU that they already could be attending and that you host everyday for all of your students.  Please remember that if a student is getting an F you should have called (not emailed) the parent already.  We know that the CFU will not be the same as HW club or check in/check out, but it is one thing we can try to help our students.  If the notification part is what is causing the extra anxiety, I can take that off of your plate and do it for you, just let me know.

8 strategies to improve your virtual class participation.

I felt like Spielberg yesterday, with not only a shot list but three camera operators that helped me film our videos for our students.  A sincere thank you to Angela, Danielle, and Chris for coming in to help me film 10 of our students following our new procedures for in-person instruction.  These videos will be posted next week for parents and student to watch so they can learn before they walk through our doors.  

Good article on helping students mental health and building relationships.

Thanks to Tim and the crew for getting our building ready for the fire inspection yesterday and with our outstanding staff cooperation we received a perfect score and no violations!

Please respond to my extra-duty email by today.  I will start notifying people of their responsibilities early next week and then will have meetings on Wednesday to go through procedures. 

If anyone knows any candidates for TA's please let me know.  Thanks to Alicia for filling in for Jenny until the 23rd.  

Thanks to Kim for working with the A and B day student lists and getting that sent out to staff. 

Once a kid starts to feel like they CAN'T succeed in your class, they WON'T succeed. They will stop trying.  

So, every decision that you make as a teacher -- particularly during a pandemic and particularly around grading and student workload - should be made through that lens. Bill Ferriter 

Ellen is busy working with Rick from our food service company to get our order form ready for students.  

Next week will be extremely busy as we get set for welcoming students back the following week.  We will keep you informed of all parent communication as we send it out.  

I hope to have the agenda for Wednesday's Remote Learning Planning day to you by Monday.  Please be aware that their will be more scheduled meetings than the previous RLP's when you had more time for personal plan.  

Matt is doing an excellent job of preparing for the new guidelines/band protocol.

Thanks to Frank and Tony for the many Ben Q installations they have been performing and to Angela and Danielle for training staff to use them.  If you have not done so yet, schedule a time with them for a short training session.  

When does it snap into focus?

Because we don’t like to be wrong.

And more than that, we don’t like to be confused.

So when we encounter something new, we pause for a second until we think we get it. Then we lock it in, and it’s ours.

But what if we’re wrong?

What if our understanding of what we encountered wasn’t useful, accurate or true?

Suddenly, there’s a conflict. A conflict between being wrong and being confused. Because the only way to stop being wrong is to be momentarily confused. To jump from one state to another.

The magic is in waiting a few beats before you lock it in. Getting comfortable with ‘confused’ is a stepping stone on the path to becoming wise.  Seth Godin's Blog post  10-11-2020

WCCHS is looking to place a couple student observers.  Please let me know if you are interested and I will figure out the protocol that we will need to follow to have them in the building.

Kathy H has secured a new laminator for the building.  It has all the features and buttons that any school can ask for!  She is open for business!

It doesn't matter when we start. It doesn't matter where we start. All that matters is that we start. Simon Sinek

The shell must break before the bird can fly." -- Alfred Lord Tennyson

Thursday, October 8, 2020


Thanks to everyone for your excellent questions and hard work on Wednesday.  There will always be more questions but we are getting closer to being ready because of your teamwork and positive thinking. 

5 Keys to Successful HW Assignments during Remote Learning

Congratulations to Kerry and her husband on the announcement of their upcoming birth of their first child. We are all happy for the joy it will bring to your life, and already a Cubs fan! #predeterminedloyalty

New Zoom Features including a Virtual Seating Chart and more efficient unmuting features.

MJ's class has been busy academically but have also had time to express themselves creatively. I am a racetrack sponsor!

Thanks once again to Jenny P for what she has brought to Benjamin's students and staff.  We appreciate you.

Angela and Danielle are ready to train you for your new BenQ and you don't have to wait for yours to be installed.  There is one installed and ready to go.  Just reach out to get your training today.  A majority of the BenQ's will be installed on Columbus Day when teachers are out of the building.  

Now more than ever our students are exposed to Cyber-bullying.  Here is a helpful guide to assist in prevention with great information and activities.

Thanks to the Tech Liaisons for working with Greg and the tech team on the new technology set-up for the classrooms and communicating to our staff about that, the imaging of student devices and more.  

A journey towards civility.

I have been working on class lists in terms of balancing out the students who have siblings at Evergreen or in our building due to our 6th grade being split A-H and I-Z instead of the same as the rest of the district which is A-L and M-Z. This involves looking at each class list for #'s and calling parents to get all siblings to school on the same day.  Please know that the schedules will be as balanced as they can be but will not be evenly split between the days. 

Thanks to Jen V, Lynette W, Lauren D and Melissa L for interviewing potential teaching assistants with me.  Your help is appreciated.  

How Teaching Hope in School may be the secret to Success.

Mark your Calendars Parent Teacher Conferences coming up soon. Nov 5th, 10th, 12th via Zoom.  More details to follow.  

I hope everyone enjoys the extended weekend and takes time to do some self-care. 

"People run from rain but sit in bathtubs full of water."

-- Charles Bukowski


Friday, October 2, 2020


 Thanks for Dr. Woell for running the Town Hall Meetings and for his transparency in posting all questions and answers for everyone to see.

7 ways to do formative assessments in your virtual classroom.

 Thanks to Todd for his help with working with and articulating with the high school for a student issue the past two weeks.

Station Rotation during Hybrid Learning:

Thanks to Tim for his continued work to make sure that we are making Benjamin safe for students and staff.

Thanks to Marcia and Megan S for organizing the N95 mask fitting for our special education staff.

MJ and her students had a fun virtual visit from a Service Dog.  The kids were locked on the screen for the whole session.  What a fun and educational experience for them.  

I truly appreciate the resilience and creativity I continue to see from the staff.  Thanks for giving your best everyday!

Dr. Woell will officially announce to parents two Remote Learning Planning days today. They will take place on October 7th and 21st.  Details will follow.

I started a Principal/Student Advisory Group and we had our first meeting yesterday.  What a smart group of kids.  It is always important to hear all perspectives and they definitely shared the good, the bad and ideas for improvement. I thought you might want to hear some of the great things they had to say:
Schedule is organized and easy to follow
HW is better
Appreciate Flexible Check For Understanding
Happy about Library Book Pick-up
Responsive technology repair turn around
"Teachers usually respond to their inbox within 45 minutes, they are so responsive!"
Teachers have done a good job of answering student questions well
Teachers have stayed longer than the CFU period to help me

Neil Gaiman, famous author delivered a commencement address in 2012 titled "Make Good Art"   I think it is very relevant to our current situation. Here is an excerpt:

I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes.

Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You’re doing things you’ve never done before, and more importantly, you’re Doing Something.

So that’s my wish for you, and all of us, and my wish for myself. Make New Mistakes. Make glorious, amazing mistakes. Make mistakes nobody’s ever made before. Don’t freeze, don’t stop, don’t worry that it isn’t good enough, or it isn’t perfect, whatever it is: art, or love, or work or family or life.

Whatever it is you’re scared of doing, Do it.

Make your mistakes, next year and forever.

to listen/watch the whole speech click below: