Friday, September 25, 2020


Angela and Danielle have been working on the BADGES feature in Canvas and feel that it is a feature you guys would be ready for. They made a screencastify video at the link below. This is a great incentive for your students.

Remote and hybrid learning collaboration strategies using virtual breakout rooms and digital tools

Thanks to Nicole and Todd for starting to deliver the Second SteP curriculum and the teachers that are opening their virtual doors for them to do so.  This curriculum is even more important during these times.  

Put your insecurities away and get on with achieving your goals. Reflect and remind yourself that an accurate criticism is the most valuable feedback you can receive.

Thanks to Chris for organizing and putting out the BB300 this week. It is a great way to keep students involved but also to give our students a familiar connection to being a Bengal. 

8 Strategies to Improve Participation in Your Virtual Classroom

Educators share their best synchronous and asynchronous strategies to boost student participation during online learning.

Thanks to the 7th Grade Team for sharing their process for student of the month. Giving this recognition can lift students spirits and motivation.

In my announcement to students this week I asked for participation in a Principal/Student Advisory committee. This will be a great way to gain the students perspective and input some of their ideas.

Managing the collective Chatter in your head.

Thanks to MJ,Judy, Kendra and Maddie for getting some Art up in the hallways.  It was nice to see the student doppelgangers hanging by their room.

Thanks to Marcia and Megan for setting up the N95 mask fittings for the Special Ed staff for next week.  

Shel Silverstein would have been 90 today.  Less known than The Giving Tree is  "The Missing Piece Meets The Big O" A gentle reminder that the best relationships don’t complete us but let us grow and become more fully ourselves. 

I want to thank everyone for continuing to work hard on their remote learning process with their students and for being patient as we develop the specific plans for our return to in-person instruction with the admin team and BEA.  Thanks to Dr. Woell for sharing the parent survey results with the whole staff.  This will help us in our preparation.  

“If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you’ll never get it done. Make at least one definite move daily toward your goal.”


Bruce Lee •

“I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.” – Stephen Covey

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