Thursday, September 17, 2020


 I attended the PTA Meeting last night and they were appreciative of the memberships that have come in and look forward to getting everyone else signed up and reminded me again about the class incentive money!

I found this pretty cool virtual locker activity in this tech newsletter along with other activities to get to know your students.

I appreciate the work Frank and Tony did in building the new "red box"  for our library book return. 


I hope that everyone had  a chance to read the communication from Dr. Woell about our planning and preparation for our return to in person instruction.  This is a process that began way back at the beginning of the summer and will continue to happen as we move forward with our successful remote learning,  We will continue to keep open communication about this process and will share new information as it becomes available. Please let me know if you have any input you would like to share. 

 Focus on Relationships not testing...duh

I was able to get into Colleen and Megan P's classes this week.  The "all about me" presentations and Pear Deck Slide presentation were both great examples of  getting student participation and relationship building via zoom.  

Dan B found this great article on how to beat Zoom fatigue.

Information will be coming out from the district about an opportunity to get the Flu shot at school the morning of November 6th.  Mark your calendar.

Thanks to Danielle who created this Kami  screen capture video.  If you didn't see it in your email, here it is.   Kami Screen Capture

Please let me know if your room hasn't had the excess furniture removed yet.  

Megan S and Marcia have continued to do a tremendous job with managing all of the details with our Core kids return to school while still completing all other responsibilities.  

Please continue to fill out the work from form each week and the health survey each day as you come into the building.

5 questions to ask your unmotivated students.

Thanks to everyone for not only putting in a newsletter article but for making changes to reflect the times we are experiencing at school currently. 

You have to make the good out of the bad because that is all you have got to make it out of." -- Robert Penn Warren

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