Friday, September 25, 2020


Angela and Danielle have been working on the BADGES feature in Canvas and feel that it is a feature you guys would be ready for. They made a screencastify video at the link below. This is a great incentive for your students.

Remote and hybrid learning collaboration strategies using virtual breakout rooms and digital tools

Thanks to Nicole and Todd for starting to deliver the Second SteP curriculum and the teachers that are opening their virtual doors for them to do so.  This curriculum is even more important during these times.  

Put your insecurities away and get on with achieving your goals. Reflect and remind yourself that an accurate criticism is the most valuable feedback you can receive.

Thanks to Chris for organizing and putting out the BB300 this week. It is a great way to keep students involved but also to give our students a familiar connection to being a Bengal. 

8 Strategies to Improve Participation in Your Virtual Classroom

Educators share their best synchronous and asynchronous strategies to boost student participation during online learning.

Thanks to the 7th Grade Team for sharing their process for student of the month. Giving this recognition can lift students spirits and motivation.

In my announcement to students this week I asked for participation in a Principal/Student Advisory committee. This will be a great way to gain the students perspective and input some of their ideas.

Managing the collective Chatter in your head.

Thanks to MJ,Judy, Kendra and Maddie for getting some Art up in the hallways.  It was nice to see the student doppelgangers hanging by their room.

Thanks to Marcia and Megan for setting up the N95 mask fittings for the Special Ed staff for next week.  

Shel Silverstein would have been 90 today.  Less known than The Giving Tree is  "The Missing Piece Meets The Big O" A gentle reminder that the best relationships don’t complete us but let us grow and become more fully ourselves. 

I want to thank everyone for continuing to work hard on their remote learning process with their students and for being patient as we develop the specific plans for our return to in-person instruction with the admin team and BEA.  Thanks to Dr. Woell for sharing the parent survey results with the whole staff.  This will help us in our preparation.  

“If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you’ll never get it done. Make at least one definite move daily toward your goal.”


Bruce Lee •

“I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.” – Stephen Covey

Thursday, September 17, 2020


 I attended the PTA Meeting last night and they were appreciative of the memberships that have come in and look forward to getting everyone else signed up and reminded me again about the class incentive money!

I found this pretty cool virtual locker activity in this tech newsletter along with other activities to get to know your students.

I appreciate the work Frank and Tony did in building the new "red box"  for our library book return. 


I hope that everyone had  a chance to read the communication from Dr. Woell about our planning and preparation for our return to in person instruction.  This is a process that began way back at the beginning of the summer and will continue to happen as we move forward with our successful remote learning,  We will continue to keep open communication about this process and will share new information as it becomes available. Please let me know if you have any input you would like to share. 

 Focus on Relationships not testing...duh

I was able to get into Colleen and Megan P's classes this week.  The "all about me" presentations and Pear Deck Slide presentation were both great examples of  getting student participation and relationship building via zoom.  

Dan B found this great article on how to beat Zoom fatigue.

Information will be coming out from the district about an opportunity to get the Flu shot at school the morning of November 6th.  Mark your calendar.

Thanks to Danielle who created this Kami  screen capture video.  If you didn't see it in your email, here it is.   Kami Screen Capture

Please let me know if your room hasn't had the excess furniture removed yet.  

Megan S and Marcia have continued to do a tremendous job with managing all of the details with our Core kids return to school while still completing all other responsibilities.  

Please continue to fill out the work from form each week and the health survey each day as you come into the building.

5 questions to ask your unmotivated students.

Thanks to everyone for not only putting in a newsletter article but for making changes to reflect the times we are experiencing at school currently. 

You have to make the good out of the bad because that is all you have got to make it out of." -- Robert Penn Warren

Thursday, September 10, 2020


 Thanks to everyone who shared in our positive share tech meeting.  The participation large and small not only give everyone valuable information but enriched our school culture.

25 Ways to add audio to Google Slides

Danielle has created this Zoom FAQ that will be very beneficial to many teachers.

Kathy is doing an awesome job of taking emails from students and getting books out for student pick-up. Love that kids are excited about reading!


We had a PTA meeting Wednesday Night.  They are looking for ways to organize and provide support for teachers and staff.  This includes providing $100 for each staff member (who is a PTA member) for student incentives.  Please make sure you fill out your PTA membership and send it in as this is just one of many ways the PTA will support us this year.  


Pretty Cool Twitter tweet from a teachers: "I've had a few Ss become inactive & hide behind the Desktop computer during my session, and this quick CHECK-POINT worked wonders & kept them on their toes! Rolling on the floor laughing I had around 5 check-points throughout my lesson yesterday (after brain breaks & classwork involving another browser tab)"


I loved jumping into 6th grade classes today was definitely the highlight of my day.  Seeing their personal learning spaces and smiling faces ready to learn is why we do this. Thanks to Rich for inviting me in. 

Sherry showed me some awesome interactive student activities she has created using the afternoon content creation time to its fullest.  Thanks to everyone for taking risks and putting the time in to create opportunities for students in both synchronous and asynchronous learning time.                    

Planning for both synchronous and asynchronous learning.

Thanks to Keriann, Bill, Courtney and Megan D for being flexible and working with the window installers to get the project completed this week.  I appreciate it.  

Thanks to all of our virtual club sponsors for getting out the word to students about the September virtual clubs.  

7 Zoom Settings every user should know

Thanks to Ellen who has started sending all of our parent communication to Staff .  More communication will hopefully help keep everyone informed.  

I sent out the work -from form for next week.  Thanks for continuing to fill this out each week and the Self-certification form out daily when you are in the building. 


I was able to stop by PE classes yesterday and it was awesome seeing Lynette and Jen exercising live with their classes.  Getting kids up and active is so important right now.  

The scholastic subscriptions are locked in.  I will be sending teachers their digital access codes. 


There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." -- Bruce Lee

Thursday, September 3, 2020


 I am still working though the details on how Evaluations will work this year.  I will send information out soon.  

Kim and Ellen did an excellent job of taking phone calls and guiding parents through PowerSchool and  Canvas questions which were coming in fast and furious the first couple days.  

Add caption

Thanks to everyone for perservering on your curriculum night videos. I have not had any negative feedback and have made my way through about half of the presentations.  Thanks for giving an A+ effort. The Google question forms were sent to parents and will be shared in teams.

I am grateful to Greg for problem solving different tech issues and helping to get us back on track with our classes, students and programs. 

Video Conference Routines


I was able to pop into some 5th grade zooms this week.  If you you are in the building and want me to pop in just let me know. (or share the zoom link)  I like seeing the student faces as much as you do.  

Please make sure you remember to fill out the work from form each week and to self-certify each day that you are in the building.

Michelle and Kathy will start the book check-out process for students next week.  Direction will be eblasted to parents today.

Danielle has put together a FAQ for Cami.  You can find the link down below.

Free Powerpoint Templates


Scholastic Magazine e-version is going to be a significant cost.  I am working with our rep and will let you know when the digital accounts will be starting. 

How and why to leave audio feedback this year.

Thanks to our teachers and TA's who are working with our in-school student population.  They have been outstanding  working with the students on new protocols and processes to keep everyone safe and healthy.

PTA will be meeting this Wednesday.  I will give updates next week, but a PTA membership is one that gives back ten fold.  

Angela was able to learn about some Google tools for game-based learning and has some good links and templates to share.  She made a Flippity scavenger hunt to share with you guys (for staff) directly below and then the other three links are for creating your own game based learning activities.  Thanks Angela

Thanks to Jessica for spearheading the Star Testing from home information and to Nicole for setting the dates for data meetings. Testing from home will provide new obstacles that we will have to maneuver.  

The Pandemic Emotional Impact Hits Hard

I realize how hard you guys are working on your craft.  Learning all of the tools, multiple screens, Zoom this Cami that, video, Synchronous, Canvas discussion, google form etc....I appreciate you taking the risk, and trying things that will help our students and your teaching during this remote learning.  Also know that you can, and should take a breath, take care of yourself and mix in some traditional lessons and assignments from time to time.     

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