This Wednesday is an early student release day. We will be working on some STAR Training, growth goals and tech integration.
Ten ways to create a great classroom culture.
Betty did a great job presenting about power points on Wednesday. I know I learned a lot!
I was able to give Kathy H her employee of the month award at lunch yesterday. I know that our LMC and Bookfair wouldn't be the same without her.
Teenage brains are elastic. Good article.
Big shout out to Ellen T for getting the electronic sign board running with all of our club announcements.
I have been so impressed with our teaching assistants again this year. The flexibility, understanding and knowledge they each possess adds so much to our classrooms, students and school. Thank you!
10 things to do when a student says "I got nothin"
Thanks to Debbie L and the PST team for informing and preparing for the new special ed law which requires even more preparation and advanced notification in their documentation, reporting and communication. You guys are the best!
I am very excited that many teachers on cycle have started to schedule growth meetings, pre-observations and observations with me. As a reminder growth goals and alternative forms are due October 1.
Read this interesting article. It gives 13 concrete examples of effective feedback teachers are giving students.
Thanks to the tech liaisons for attending their monthly meetings, reporting back to teams and helping to problem solve tech problems. You are a valuable part of our tech support.
Speaking of tech support, I love how Danielle has been taking so much initiative to start the year off helping so many people! Thank you!
Doing things differently can bring great results. What are you going to try in your classroom?

Thanks to Jessica for organizing yesterday's 5th grade aimsweb testing!
Thanks to Cheryl W and Lora A for organizing last weeks insurance support and answering so many staff questions on the new health insurance!
Some Tech websites for everyone. Check one out over the weekend!
Just a reminder to staff that Janice and Lisa are here to support any grant opportunities you choose to pursue. Whether that is crowdsourcing like Go Fund Me or specific grants, they are there to help.
Thanks to Tim for fixing the Laminator.

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