Friday, September 27, 2019


Dr. Woell, Tim and myself attended a DuPage ROE Safety meeting to focus on common templates for what we call our Crisis Manual.  Next week we will compare our manual with the model manual and will bring updates to a learning meeting in the future.


A big thank you for the job that Marcia and Jignasa do everyday, between testing for hearing and vision, dealing with sick students, paperwork, pe injuries and more, I'm sure we all appreciate the job they do for our schools. 

Why schools should be organized to prioritize relationships.

I was able to attend the home cross country meet this week.  What an outstanding job Bill and Courtney do coaching our young runners.  Thanks to Nicole and Kim for helping out and working the meet.


I was able to walk around with some of our school board members and see the awesome teaching that was taking place in our building.  Thanks to Lyn, Jim, Sherry, April, Bill and Melissa F for welcoming us into their classes.

The VB team got to compete at WCCH last night against Leman.  What a great opportunity for our girls and what a great picture of our current players and our former players!  Thanks to Kerry and Dan for making it happen.

Mark your calendars, our IAR testing dates are 4-7, 4-9, and 4-15.  Our plan is to add the ISA science test to the testing window if possible for 5th and 8th grade.  I believe that they are expanding the testing to two units.  More information to follow. 

Ted Talk by Tristan Harris on the distractibility of technology and how it can be designed for human value.  This video is from 4 years ago and technology changes fast, but I think the message still holds up. 

Good luck to Mr. Turek and the band students who will be trying out for ILMEA Honor Band at Vandercook school of music on Saturday. 

Thanks to everyone who prepared for the grade level data meetings yesterday.  Problem solving together is the way we can see student success. 


It's Rube Goldberg time.  Thanks to Sherry for leading these student creative teams. 


3 ways teachers can give students more weight to student voice.


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