7 minute writes...a sixty second video.....just click and watch
Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry Artwork from Mrs. Peterson's students.

Jen and Lynette are bringing in the Teen Decision group to talk to the 8th graders, next week which is a great learning opportunity for our students.
Nicole gave an awesome presentation on Mindfulness last week. Here is the full Ted Talk Video.
Professionalism in a Digital World

Thanks to MJ, Alex, Megan D and Angela for being at the Tech Integration Committee Meeting on Tuesday Night. Ellen B and Greg are looking at the new student devices closely and we should have a decision soon.

Please remember we have PARCC Training on Wednesday at our early release day, followed by a short training on the web communication APP we all have. Bring your computers and make sure you have established your PEARSON Access Next password from the email Greg sent out.
Want to duplicate yourself to help your students, watch this 1 minute video.
Two field trips and a reward trip today = students learning and having fun outside the school walls.

A Big Thank You to Frank, Tony and Tim for hanging up the backdrop for the musical. Please sign up for Musical Supervision for March 16th and 17th today. Sign-up will be in the lounge.
Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing. Theodore Roosevelt
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