Sherry's stem students were in the planning stages of building their marshmallow launchers using the new mobile whiteboards!
Attention ALL staff members. Mark your calendars. On Wednesday April 4th, we will have Cultural Diversity training provided by our district legal counsel, Darcey Williams. It will be from 2:45pm-3:15pm and is required of all Benjamin Staff. Please let me know if you have any questions.
If you want to know the secret of success , read this article.
I have been impressed with the participation level of Bill Wadman's Winter Blast program. This is a great way for students to stay in shape and strengthen friendships with classmates.

We had a good showing of parents last night for the presentation of opportunities for our high achieving students put on by Northwestern Center for Talent Development. One of the takeaways, was the possibility of BMS hosting an Accelerated Weekend Experience (AWE) in the Fall of next year.
Some great tools here. Especially check out the Newseum ED based upon the museum of news in Washington DC.
Thanks to the 5th grade team and Sherry for being willing to implement some keyboarding skills with their students at the beginning of their study-skills and STEM classes respectively. This will allow for students to build on their foundation skills they built with Josh at Evergreen.

Caddy Shack anyone? PTA is looking for teacher volunteers to help put together their initial golf outing on June 9th. They need help getting donations, sponsors for holes and other various jobs leading up to the event or for people that want to soak up the sun and volunteer on the day of the event. See me if you are interested....or intrigued....or mildly excited...or if you know what a golf ball looks like.
This is your Brain on Story.

Congratulations to Colleen for securing a $2,000 Whole Foods grant to start a vegetable garden at Benjamin. What a great opportunity for our students.
Rocky Grit
If anyone is interested in teaching summer school this year for our special education students, let me know.
Fairness does not mean everyone gets the same. Fairness means everyone gets what they need. - Rick Riordan
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