Ellen T did another SUPER job on the bulletin board, check it out if you have a chance.
Thanks to Ellen and Kim for sitting down with Color Portraits yesterday to work out some of the problems we were having. Improved service and product will follow.
Two opportunities for involvement: I will be at the West Chicago High School Concert on Thursday night to see our band and choir students. If anyone would like to attend a PTA meeting we have one the same night. 6:30pm in the board room. All you would need to do is sit and listen, parents appreciate when teachers attend. Also on Wednesday Night I will be attending the Foundation Meeting and I know they are looking for new BMS Members, attending a few meetings a year and helping to organize two events are the main responsibilities. Let me know if you would like to attend with me.
Thanks to everyone for taking the 5 Essential survey, students will be taking it soon and please encourage parents to take it if you see any volunteering in the building.
I will check in with everyone who submitted a flexible furniture proposal. I met with Dr. Clark yesterday and will let people know where their proposal stands.
A little different this week, all of my resources will come from books...Old School!
First one, think about the rating scale not in the sense of hiring but in making decisions in general, from Tribe of Mentors by Tim Ferris:

Distinction between knowledge and skills, From PEAK Secrets From the New Science of Expertise, by Anders Ericsson.

On improvement from PEAK

On what is possible to accomplish, from Tools of Titan, Tim Ferris.

On Today's classroom, From the Innovators Mindset, George Couros

On growth mindset, from Mindset from Carol Dweck:
On the elasticity of our brains and what it means for student's abilities: From Out of Our Minds, Sir Ken Robinson
On addressing our weaknesses from Principles by Ray Dalio:
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