Huge thanks to everyone for their hard work and preparation for curriculum night. I have heard positive feedback from parents and staff on the night itself and the changes. Special thanks to:
Melissa L, Lynn, Mike, Sherry, Jen V, Lynette and Matthew on being open to change, Michelle F and Barb for working the book fair and Ellen T for working the office to help with forgotten schedules, bells etc...
Speaking of the book fair, through Mrs. Pasker's and other volunteers hard work we made.$3200 which is almost $900 more than last year.
15 Great Books on Creativity. ( I have only read 2 of the 15, but they are both Great!)
Thanks to Keriann, Rich and Dan for handling the sports bus delays like pros. Keriann calling the bus companies and Rich and Dan keeping the student athletes occupied really made a frustrating situation better by their patience and professionalism.
The live nature cam has been a big hit! Thanks to Greg, Juan, Frank and Mark for making it happen.

We have Launched our new Safe School Alert at Benjamin Middle School. This will allow students and parents to anonymously (or not) alert us if something is happening concerning bullying, harassment or safety. Melissa L and I will receive the tips and Todd and Nicole are also part of the team that might be sent information depending on the specifics of the situation. As I mentioned last night we still want parents, students and staff to come to us first if their is an issue but this allows another avenue of communication if they are uncomfortable and want to reach out. I will be talking to students at lunch about this. Their is a link on our webpage and flyers up in the hallways. Here is our information:
1. Phone: 630.473.4766
2. Text: Text
your tip to 630.473.4766
3. Email:
4. Web:

Thanks to Alex for running the magazine sale, 5th and 6th grade are excited about the prize drawings.
Becoming innovative, 15 New Ideas Every teacher should try. You will need to research some of these, but that is what you have a computer for!
Hats off to our teaching assistants who have been working hard to help students the first few weeks of school! Debbie, Kim, Gail, April, Jordan, Michelle, Megan, Jen and Cody have all shown initiative and active participation in classes.
Using the Fish Philosophy Concept of Play watch what happens in a NYC Subway.
I hope everyone enjoys their Labor Day Weekend.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." - Aristotle
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