Friday, December 4, 2015


Thanks to Melissa, Lyn and Jim for organizing the 7th grade Field Trip to the Art Institute today and also to Cathy, and Lauren D for chaperoning this great cultural trip.

Not looking at the politics just the simple and powerful message of this article on mass shootings.

Best of luck to our chess team this Saturday at the tournamaent we are hosting.  Just a reminder that their will be a lot of people in our building and that Joe will "wrap" the teacher desks of the rooms that will be used.  Please put away any breakable or expensive items as a safeguard.

Middle School Maker Space Top 20 technologies:

Thanks to Mike D who organized our participation with an Hour of Code next week.  It will organized through the special teachers so a big shout out to their willingness to adapt their curriculum for a day.  

8 short videos for English Language Learners...the first seven are for Betty, the last one is for everyone.

Thanks to Megan S for the great job she did with student teaching this trimester and the best of luck to her in her teaching future.  

50 best books for kids to read before their twelve.  (might have shared before, but I love common sense media)

Don't forget that your newsletter article is due to Ellen Trush today.

While not completely aligned with our staff meeting on Play....this video is a great follow up on the importance of play for people of all ages.  About 25 minutes long so when you have time...  Thanks for the discussion on Wednesday!

Now is no time to think of what you do not have. Think of what you can do with what there is. --Ernest Hemingway
 As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. --John F. Kennedy

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