Thursday, December 17, 2015


In case you want to come in over winter break the building can be accessed Mon-Thurs, both weeks of break from 8am-3:30pm. No Fridays or Saturdays.

We thank Cynthia Frantzen for her many years of service in helping kids.  We will definitely miss your kindness and expertise.

Read Roger Ebert's review of the original Star Wars movie to get ready for the Force Awakens! …

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Thanks to Colleen, Rich, Jackie and Lauren for ending their 50's unit with the Soc Hop yesterday.  Giving students lots of classroom background and research activities made this fun event more meaningful for the students. Great Job!

We wish Jessica and her family the best of luck in their next adventure in their life.  

I use this video every year, just because it is cool..The Christmas Piano at Union Station:

Thanks to Lynnette and Lyn for their weeks of hard work in putting on the 5th/6th grade talent show.  Also thanks to Melissa for her accompaniment during the show.  I can't wait to see it!

Use 's complex texts to integrate with social studies, history and science:
login as a lifelong learner to check it out and then you can register as a teacher to explore and really cool.

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We were very happy to see the picture of Elliana Nicole Giacalone yesterday and are extremely happy for Lauren and her husband in this new chapter in their life.

Last minute kid holiday shopping with age appropriate gift guide:

Jessica E did another great job with her students in the latest edition of the tiger times.  Hard hitting investigative reporting with entertainment.  Who would guess that their music reporter and I would have listened to a similar band! :)

Man eats only Junk food for a month and loses 11 pounds.  Legendary!
This Man Ate Only Junk Food for 30 Days and Lost 11 Pounds photo
I have attached a link to some New Parcc resources that are worth while to check out from the ISBE website.  Scroll down to Parcc Score Wrappers and you can look at your grade level during team or department time.

Thanks to Chris, Melissa F, Julie S., Debbie and Melissa L for taking our 5th graders to sing holiday carols to the elderly in the assisted living residence and nursing home.  Going with to supervise(not to sing) I could see in the patient's faces how much it meant to them.  What a great way to show the kids the true meaning of the holiday's.  
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I want to thank everyone for the well wishes and kind words they have shared with me over the last two days.  My receiving the IPA award would not have been possible without all of the people past and present that I get to work with and learn from. For me, the most exciting part of my job is being able to learn and grow from those around you everyday.  I hope everyone is able to spend some time with family and friends in the coming weeks.

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