Friday, May 8, 2015


Parcc testing starts again on Monday.  The tickets and seal codes are in your mailboxes.  Thanks to Greg for running those off and to Greg and Ellen for running the update on the devices.  Please make sure that you log on to the Pearson Access Next site today if you haven't done so already.  Make sure you switch over to EOY. Make sure that you can access your class.  We are on the same schedule as the first PARCC testing with the exception of Wednesday when we are on a different schedule due to an early release.  This was placed in your mailbox on Wednesday.  Please remember that the EOY has a different script that you will use. Please read through it ahead of time.  All of the special teachers will be in the hall this time as runners and extra assistance, but will not be assigned to be in a certain classroom.  I also found out that there is a 23 question survey that the students will have to take when they complete the math and ELA sections of the test.  Thank you for getting the students ready for this exam.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

100 stores that give discounts to teachers:

Bill and Danielle did an awesome job of preparing their students for their debates.  The kids did an unbelievable job, I was blown away.  

What Schools can learn from Google about Nurturing Creativity:

Today's articulation lays the groundwork for a successful year next year.  Thank you for being prepared to discuss students in a constructive way.  

Techs future in Education:

Thanks to Lynette and Jill for the hard work they put into getting the talent show ready.  I can't wait to see the 7th and 8th grade students shine.

This one is from Dr. Ehrhardt, great article on Accelerated learning for adults from Tim Ferris

Thanks to all of the departments for working so hard on Wednesday.  I was in the ILAR meeting and we got much accomplished.
9 quotes from students on teachers that changed their lives:

thanks to Adrienne for running the 7th Grade career fair last week.  I had a chance to meet with the parent volunteers beforehand and they were very excited for the opportunity to talk to our students.  

As track and soccer wind down, a big thank you to John, Abby, Bill, Matt and Doreen for all of their hard work this spring sports season.  

Epic guide to student engagement:
Keriann proves that math runs in the family as she had her daughter teach her class the quadratic formula.

The two positions that we had open for next year have been filled:  Lauren Giacalone will be filling in for Danielle DeChristopher in 5th grade and Courtney Milner was officially hired on Monday by the school board to be our 7th and 8th grade resource teacher.  These additions will bring great talents and ideas to our staff.  

I hope you enjoyed the food and other festivities this week (including today's lunch).  You deserve all of it and much more.  Having such a dedicated staff makes student learning fun and my job easier.  Keep up the great work.  

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