Friday, May 29, 2015


50 alternatives to Lecturing, all with links to resources:

I will be walking around with our new teacher for next year, Courtney Milner.  If you see us, please say hi!
Create  Viseos and Presentations at the same time with WIDEO:

This is a big week for the 8th graders, the Constitution Test, the Frog Dissection Test and the "Can I bring home my Graduation Gown and Tickets without losing them test"!  Lets hope they succeed.

Please remember to be in the halls whenever possible, especially during these last days of school.  Your presence will help prevent some silly behavior choices on the students part.

27 ways to intrinsically motivate your students: 

It was great to celebrate sports awards night on Wednesday with the students, parents, and coaches.Thanks to John, Matt, Bill, Abby, Doreen and Keriann for all of their success this past season.  Benjamin took home the championship in everything!  The highlight was John getting a standing ovation for his 31 years of contributions to Benjamin Middle School sports programs.  

3 shifts to create a climate of Possibility in your classroom:

Please make sure that you sign up for classroom check-out with Melissa and myself, if you have not done so already.  

Thanks to Michelle and barb for doing an unbelievable job of collecting all of the end of year fines/missing books.  Great Job!

The theory of Awesomeness Infographic:

Speaking of awesome, how awesome was the sloppy joe lunch provided by Christine, Jill, Melissa F, MJ, Debbie O, and Lauren L.  Thanks!

The end of the year can be a trying time...thanks for using extra kindness, patience, and understanding when students are losing their ability to function due to #summerhasalreadystartedhasn'tit? 

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