Thursday, September 12, 2024


 Thanks to Michelle F, Lynette, Angela, Jessica, Danielle, Michelle D, April, Stephen and Morgan for kicking off our clubs and April for helping to supervise the Activity bus riders.  Having students explore their interests helps to increase talents and responsibilities in our kiddos. 

Chris is off to a great job with the BB 300 and some new and old newscasters.  I love watching our students read the announcements with enthusiasm.  

28 ways to check for understanding

Checking for understanding

Joe and Megan S did a great job with organizing and facilitating the home Cross Country meet Thursday.  Also thanks to all the staff that helped supervise.  At the end of the boys race, members of our boys and girls CC team ran back in the course about a 1/2 mile to run with one of our runners that was struggling to finish the race.  What is a Benjamin student?  Empathy and Teamwork in this situation. 

Just a reminder we have an Fire Drill (w/fire department) on Tuesday and an Active Threat Drill (w/law enforcement) on Friday of next week.  Please see April's schedule for times.  

7 tips to getting started with student choice in the classroom.  

student choice strategies

Just a warning ....P.O's will be slower while I am the only one doing them...because they usually end up a low priority for me when things come up  that I am dealing with each day. #truth

Huge thanks to Ellen Trush for coming in to help this week and to train next week!  

Thanks to Chris, Jen H, Bill, Joe, Jim, Jen V, Lynette and Jessica for the great job they do with Lunch supervision each day.  

Morgan Martin is busy completing  a Band Handbook and a Instrument rental agreement for Band families.  This behind the scenes work will help strengthen the band program.

Danielle, Angela and Allison C have put out another fabulous Instructional Coaching Newsletter with information on Nearpod, Writable and Brainpop.  They also have information on writing your growth goals.

Speaking of Growth Goals, now is the time to get those written and set up your first formal observation with me.  Please reach out to me and set this up.  

Thanks to everyone for their work during the subject area meetings on Wednesday afternoon.  I appreciate everyone's contributions to discussions on curriculum, student data and growth goals that I was a part of in different meetings.  Special thanks to Jessica for sharing her expertise in STAR with the ELA group.   

The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.
Alvin Toffer

Whenever people agree with me I always feel I must be wrong.

Oscar Wilde

Always acknowledge a fault. This will throw those in authority off their guard and give you an opportunity to commit more.
Mark Twain

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