Thursday, September 26, 2024


 Watch the newest parade video....stay for the walk out songs!

I appreciate all of the time and effort that the science resource committee is putting into attending meetings/presentations, looking at multiple online and physical products, and evaluating what they see.  Our district will benefit their hard work.  

Please remember to be in the hallways when you can during passing periods and keep up the positive reinforcement of good student behavior with fish slips and reminders of What is a Benjamin Student.

Empowering students is the key...from critical thinking to collaboration 30 questions every student should be able to answer. (read the article not just the image)

Student growth goals are due Tuesday as well as alternative evaluation proposals.  Please let me know if you have questions.  

We had a lot of student meetings Thursday! I appreciate everyone's participation and feedback that make these meetings successful, especially the care and concern that goes into the communication with parents through this process.  

In club news Jessica's  volleyball crew has been busy in the morning, newspaper and HW club is club and Choir are busting at the seams and Maker Space and Chess club will be starting soon.  These are just a few of the clubs that are providing students extracurricular activities and opportunities to explore their interests and talents.  

Nicolette is knocking Check In/Check Out out of the park.  Her kindness and firmness in follow-through is a great combination that yields great results.   

Newsletters were due to Margaret yesterday.  This is a great avenue of communication from Teachers to Parents to let them know what is happening with their children in the classroom.  

Danielle has taken on the responsibility to receive coaching training from HMH in Writable, Into Reading and Into Literature.  This will allow her to be our connection to HMH and become even more of an expert in these programs.  

I am proud of our sports teams as they hit the home stretch of the fall season under the leadership of our coaches.  

Thanks to April for organizing our bus safety drill today.  Please remember to go out at your designated time.  

I'm sick of following my dreams. I'm just going to ask them where they're going and hook up with them later.

Thursday, September 19, 2024


 Margaret has done a great job in her first week at BMS!  Thanks to everyone who has introduced themselves or helped her out in any way to make her feel welcome this week.  

"Learning to ignore things is one of the great paths to inner peace." Robert J Sawyer (sci-fi writer)

I appreciate April's organization and communication to get everyone prepped for our safety drills including today's active threat drill with law enforcement.  She also sent information out this week on the two updated classroom action guides.  Make sure you are using the new ones and get rid of the old version.  

"The disease of our times is that we live on the surface.  We're like the Platte River, a mile wide and an inch deep. "  Steven Pressfield 

The data meetings on Thursday are always a hard day.  It's hard because they are important.  Each meeting we try to figure out the right amount of support to give each student to meet them where they are that they can still be challenged to learn and grow academically.  This balance is often different for every kid as each student will have unique circumstances that impact their learning.  So is it  Just keep in mind that these meetings are not an event but a process and it takes everyone working together to find that point where support and challenge meet and where students can find their "flow"  

"People say that what we're all seeking is a meaning for life. I don't think that's what we're really seeking. I think that what we are seeking is an experience of being alive." Joseph Campbell (author of The Hero with a Thousand Faces)

I received a call yesterday from one of our volleyball refs.  He wanted to talk to me about how fantastic he thinks Bill and Dan are with their players and the way that they coach and vocalize their support for the girls while stressing teamwork and sportsmanship even in their losses.  Pretty amazing to get a positive phone call like this.  Congrats guys!

"People think focus means saying yes to the thing you've got to focus on.  But that's not what it means at all. It means saying no to the other hundred good ideas that there are.  You have to pick carefully.  I'm actually as proud of the things that we haven't done as the things I have done.  Innovation is saying no to a 1000 things."  Steve Jobs

I will be coming to see you if you are on cycle to set up our first formal observation.  

The PTA shared a lot of information on Tuesday night i will make my way around to teams to share this early next week.  We have 23 PTA members on our staff...I am hoping this will grow.  There are forms in the teacher mailbox room.  

An expert is a person that has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field."       Niels Bohr (Danish Nobel Prize winner)

I appreciate Josh and Vanessa spending time to get the maker space ready in anticipation of the start of the Maker Club.

I appreciate everyone's hard work on Wednesday's early release day including input I received on the SIP and work that was done analyzing IAR scores.  The science resource committee also saw a good presentation from MCGraw Hill. 

"I can't give you a surefire formula for success, but I can give you a formula for failure: try to please everybody all the time"          Herbert Bayard Swope (first recipient of the Pulitzer Prize)

Just copying Dr. Filas's message about our Biometric/Flu shot day coming up in November:

Benjamin Middle School Small Gym
Friday, November 15th (Teacher Institute Day)
6:30am - 9:00am

The Clinic is free for any employee currently enrolled in one of the District's medical insurance programs.

PPO Participants: Screenings/Flu Shot/Additional tests are Free for Employees and Spouses 
HMO/HDHP Participants: Screening and Flu Shot is Free for Employees only 

Since Eligibility just began this is just a reminder that the teacher needs to inform the parents of their students ineligibility.  I talk with students on Thursday as a preventative measure and Friday to make it official.  I am going to send an eblast today to parents to inform/remind them of the details and purpose of the process.  

"One does not accumulate but eliminate. It is not daily increase but daily decrease. The height of cultivation always runs to simplicity."  Bruce Lee

Thursday, September 12, 2024


 Thanks to Michelle F, Lynette, Angela, Jessica, Danielle, Michelle D, April, Stephen and Morgan for kicking off our clubs and April for helping to supervise the Activity bus riders.  Having students explore their interests helps to increase talents and responsibilities in our kiddos. 

Chris is off to a great job with the BB 300 and some new and old newscasters.  I love watching our students read the announcements with enthusiasm.  

28 ways to check for understanding

Checking for understanding

Joe and Megan S did a great job with organizing and facilitating the home Cross Country meet Thursday.  Also thanks to all the staff that helped supervise.  At the end of the boys race, members of our boys and girls CC team ran back in the course about a 1/2 mile to run with one of our runners that was struggling to finish the race.  What is a Benjamin student?  Empathy and Teamwork in this situation. 

Just a reminder we have an Fire Drill (w/fire department) on Tuesday and an Active Threat Drill (w/law enforcement) on Friday of next week.  Please see April's schedule for times.  

7 tips to getting started with student choice in the classroom.  

student choice strategies

Just a warning ....P.O's will be slower while I am the only one doing them...because they usually end up a low priority for me when things come up  that I am dealing with each day. #truth

Huge thanks to Ellen Trush for coming in to help this week and to train next week!  

Thanks to Chris, Jen H, Bill, Joe, Jim, Jen V, Lynette and Jessica for the great job they do with Lunch supervision each day.  

Morgan Martin is busy completing  a Band Handbook and a Instrument rental agreement for Band families.  This behind the scenes work will help strengthen the band program.

Danielle, Angela and Allison C have put out another fabulous Instructional Coaching Newsletter with information on Nearpod, Writable and Brainpop.  They also have information on writing your growth goals.

Speaking of Growth Goals, now is the time to get those written and set up your first formal observation with me.  Please reach out to me and set this up.  

Thanks to everyone for their work during the subject area meetings on Wednesday afternoon.  I appreciate everyone's contributions to discussions on curriculum, student data and growth goals that I was a part of in different meetings.  Special thanks to Jessica for sharing her expertise in STAR with the ELA group.   

The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.
Alvin Toffer

Whenever people agree with me I always feel I must be wrong.

Oscar Wilde

Always acknowledge a fault. This will throw those in authority off their guard and give you an opportunity to commit more.
Mark Twain

Thursday, September 5, 2024


 I know we all want to wish Evelyn the best of luck in her new career choice and thank her for everything she contributed to our Benjamin family. 

I want to thank Danielle for the preparation and Angela for her execution in our AI staff learning meeting.  I also love that many of our teaching assistants took advantage of Dr. Woell's new decree that they  could attend. I want to emphasize that I think there is some really valuable tools that we can all benefit from and I hope each of you continue to explore these tools on your own or during team.  I am also looking forward to reading your feedback on the evaluation google forms you filled out.    Later in the year we will look at this from the student end. 

Thanks to all of our coaches for a very busy game week with three home volleyball and soccer matches and an away CC meet our staff has been busy with some long days!

Just a reminder that Betty is available Mon, Tue, Wed (and if we are off on  a Monday you can add Thursdays)  in the library from 10am-1:30pm to help students.  If you need a student to take a test with supervision or have to send them to the LMC to work on absent/missing work she is available to assist.

How to set up your classroom for optimal executive functioning and engagement.  

Classroom set-up

CICO will be launching next week with HW club coming up soon (after the Sept. 19th data meeting)  I appreciate your frequent communication with parents and students about their work completion and achievement levels.  This communication and partnership will help most of our students do their best.  CICO and HW club are short term interventions that should be used with our most concerning students with patterns of achievement and work completion gaps to help get them back on track.  

Brain Breaks

Thanks to the PST team for all of their early brainstorming and problem solving they have done to meet students needs already this year. 

An oldie but a goodie..

Don't forget that if you are on cycle you should be working on your student growth goals and forms 1 & 2 if you are doing an alternative evaluation this year.  Also, I will be doing some pop ins in the next couple weeks and I am also ready to schedule some formal observations with you. 

Outdoor Ed will be here before you know it.  Mark and Colleen did an excellent job at the parent meeting Wednesday night.  Please try to avoid missing time during those three days (October 16-18) as I will already be trying to fill 5 teaching positions.  

I really appreciate Dr. Woell and Dr. Filas for staying on top of the new construction punch list as they were both checking on work as it continues to be completed and lending a hand to finish the work in the 5th grade wing.  

I appreciate April getting two drills under her supervisory belt and appreciate our whole staffs execution to make them go smoothly.  I don't need to remind everyone that school safety is our number one priority.

I am excited for clubs to be starting next week and appreciate the planning that goes into making these clubs function smoothly.  Please remember that the activity bus will be leaving Benjamin at 3:45pm.  We will remind parents one last time of this opportunity and the stops that it will make.  

I sent out my IAR data comparison sheet Please make sure we are spending times in teams to break down some of this data along with individual student scores.  The more we can identify students with deficiencies in their scores the sooner we can start planning in class assistance as well as tier 2 and 3 school interventions.  The subject area meetings this week are another great place for this work. 

Boosting student memory

"There is no normal life that is free of pain. It's the very wrestling with our problems that can be the impetus for our growth." -- Fred Rogers

"Do not follow the path. Go where there is no path to begin a trail." -- African proverb

"The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog".
Mark Twain