Friday, April 12, 2024


 Frank was honored at the school board meeting on Monday. I know I speak for everyone when I say we all appreciate everything he does to help us everyday!  Thanks Frank!  

Dr. Huenecke, Dr. Salamone, Melissa L, Nicole C, Kerry and myself participated in teacher interviews this week.  I appreciate everyone giving up their time to make our school stronger.

4th grade students and parents had a blast on Wednesday.  I appreciate everyone that pitched in to make the day and night happen,  This includes, Chris, Melissa F, Jen H, Melissa L, April, Danielle, Morgan, Angela, Jessica and Kim G.  Also thanks to Jen V and Joe for being flexible and letting us use the gym during the school day. 

Thanks to Michelle F and Jamie B for helping with IAR make-up testing.  

The Eclipse on Monday was a special shared experience for our Bengals!  Thanks for everyone's flexibility to enable this opportunity for our students.  

Thanks to Nicole for her continued help with student attendance. 

7 strategies to make content stick

strategies to make content stick

I appreciate our spring sports coaches as they have already been dealing with crazy spring weather on top of getting practices and games underway!  

We will continue with testing next week with 8th grade taking the ISA on the 16th, 17th, and 18th and 5th grade testing on the 17th, 18th and 19th.  Thanks to Grega and Vanessa for getting this ready.  

I am looking forward to Bengals Night on Thursday April 18th.  It is a great celebration of the arts and a wonderful school event.  Please remember that it is a mandatory attendance event for all of our certified staff.  

"Our self image and our habits tend to go together. Change one and you will automatically change the other." -- Maxwell Maltz

So much of what we call management consists in making it difficult for people to work. --Peter Drucker

All the world's a stage and most of us are desperately unrehearsed. Sean O'Casey (1880 - 1964

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