Thursday, February 1, 2024


 I am very happy to announce that April Tepe will take over the assistant to the principal role next year.  She is very excited to display and develop her leadership skills to help our school community.  

Thanks to Nicole for moderating our data meetings and organizing and sharing our notes. As always our complex discussions on students just helps us all learn, grow and work together.

Jen V has been busy this week delivering cookies with her healthy cooking 8th grade students to staff and  first responders as well as working with Lisa and Janice to earn another donors choose program for the health curriculum.  Way to go!

Thanks to Dr. Filas, Evelyn and Leslie for being quick and efficient with the PO system.  Being able to have confidence in it's efficiency makes all the difference.  

Lets make sure we are keeping up with parent communication in relation to student learning.  Communicating both positive praise and concerns strengthen our ability to help our students.  

Thanks to all teams for allowing me to come in this week and have discussions on the school improvement plans.  I appreciate everyone's efforts towards our goals.

I appreciate Nicole johnson's efforts to get our EL students access testing completed.  It is a big job!  Thanks to Vanessa and Greg for their tech assistance as well.

Please make time to take the 5 essentials survey this month.  I appreciate Kim working with team leaders to get students their state ID for taking the survey.  

Thanks to Michele S, Sue B, Lori E, Holly H, Nicolett M and Michele D for everything they do to help our students and teachers on a daily basis.  We couldn't do it without you!

6 Ways to Capture Student Attention in Class

getting student attention

Melissa, Danielle and April are working hard with our Newsie cats and crew to get ready for their big day coming up soon.  I am getting excited to see our talented students put on an amazing show!

Groundhogs Day!

"Take care to get what you like or you will be forced to like what you get." -- George Bernard Shaw

"Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently." -- Henry Ford

"The power is in you. The answer is in you. And you are the answer to all your searches: you are the goal. You are the answer. It's never outside." -- Eckhart Tolle

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