Thursday, April 20, 2023


 Bengal Night is just the kind of event that helps recharge my batteries. So awesome to see our staff and families coming together to share in our kiddos and staff achievements.  It was also great seeing our staff hanging out together, laughing and bonding throughout the night.  

Melissa, April and  the Choir students sounded awesome!

Morgan and the band students were music to the ears!

April and Sherry had displayed some awesome STEM projects.  Here is the latest STEM parade video!

Thanks to Michelle and Kathy for all the work they did setting up and working at the bookfair.  Special thanks to the ELA team for helping out in the bookfair last night.  Super-star standouts Bill and lauren put on the unofficial show for book fair patrons singing and dancing at the Book (car) wash!

Man...Jen and Joe were hustling all over the building! Between the healthy cooking smoothies and granola samples to Volleyball fun in the gym families were fed and entertained.

It was a family affair as Kimpha and her sisters helped out the PTA by selling Ice cream in the multi-purpose room. 

The artwork displayed throughout the building was amazing.  I appreciate all of the hard work that Lynette put into not only leading the kids in producing the artwork but getting it all hung up and displayed throughout the building.  

I really appreciate the  work that Tim and the night crew did to get the building set-up and cleaned up after a busy night.

I really appreciate Angela for capturing a lot of photos of the night tonight.   

John Hattie on how great teachers think.  Pretty cool article.

As a reminder today is the deadline for spending.  See me if you have questions.

Thanks to Kerri and Kim G for attending a meeting with the district office on Wednesday to learn procedures that will be implemented and shared with you in the near future.  It is important that we work together as a team and communicate clearly with each other.  Also thanks to Megan S for covering the office!

3 simple ways to build relationships with middle school students.

Shout out to Leslie!  She has been working hard and burning the midnight oil to help us get things completed during this busy time of the year.  

Don't forget to sign up to help Bill and Michele D judge their debates.  Look for Bills email for the sign up link.

Thanks to Jessica for leading the enrichment field trip to Wisconsin today.  What a great experience for our kiddos.  

Please remember to fill out the extra duty google form by the end of the day today!

7th Grade student had a blast and learned about possible careers at the Career Expo at the Technology Center DuPage (TCD). Thanks to our 7th grade teachers for providing this opportunity.

Thanks to Todd and Jessica for helping to get fastbridge screening accomplished here and at Evergreen.

Thanks to Jen Matthews for her help with make-up testing, Greg for his assistance with IAR make-up testing problems and Vanessa for her assistance with ISA testing.

"There is only one thing more painful than learning from experience and that is not learning from experience." -- Archibald MacLeish

"The greatest crime is not developing your potential. When you do what you do best, you are helping not only yourself, but the world." -- Roger Williams

"The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

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