Thursday, January 26, 2023


 Angela has done a great job with advertising the yearbooks.  Personalizing the posters with actual pictures of different students is a great personal touch!

Thanks to team leaders for scheduling the 5 Essentials survey for our students.  Also thanks in advance for taking the survey.  Your feedback is important for our improvement as a whole.  

It's fun time down in the old Benjamin Roller Rink.  Thanks to Jen and Joe for creating this awesome opportunity for our students and for teaching the kids precautions to keep them safe.  

Best of Luck to Coach Mejia and our Bengal Chess team as they play in a tournament in Barrington on Saturday!

Thanks to Betty for facilitating the Access Test for our EL students. Also thanks to Greg and Vanessa for getting the tech aspect ready.  

Hats off to Solly for doing a ton of work for the compliance visit also thanks to the staff members who helped me on some of the compliance items. 

Great article on student writing in the age of AI.

Thanks to Kerri for sending out the PO directions to everyone.  These are the same steps that Ellen had sent last year, the google form will now go to Kerri who can then submit it to Skyward for approval.

The basketball girls celebrating a victory (and 2 birthdays)!

I appreciate Todd making a lot of trips back and forth from Evergreen to Benjamin to help support our students and staff this week.  

I appreciate the lunch supervisors for assisting me in giving the sports interest survey to all of our students.

Please remember to send Dr. Salamone & myself the list of your summer school candidates today.

5 researched based ways to give meaningful feedback to your students:

I appreciate our 7th grade team setting up the reward trip today for our students who worked hard to earn it!  

"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new." ~ Albert Einstein

"The mind is like a trunk: if well-packed, it holds almost every thing; if ill-packed, next to nothing." -- Augustus William Hare

Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others.
Groucho Marx (1890 - 1977) 

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