Thursday, November 10, 2022


 I'm super excited for the Veterans Day Assembly.  Please remember to keep your 2nd period kiddos.  I will be calling students down right around 9:05am.  Melissa and April have been working hard to make this event a great celebration for those who served in our armed forces.  

Thanks to Kim for her late night work during conferences this week.  It really helps me out and is much appreciated.  

5 ways to get teens to open up!

Zoom, Zoom, Zoom...hopefully all of your Zoom conferences went well.  We will send out a staff and parent survey to analyze the need for keeping Zoom for next year or moving back to in-person for all three nights.  

Did you sign up for the Turkey Day Lunch?   Wednesday the 16th is the date, don't miss out.  

5 ways teachers can maintain a professional online presence.

American Education Week is next week.  Time flies when you're having fun!  Monday we will have Sporty's Salad Bar for lunch courtesy of Dr. Woell and the school board.  

Put your dancing shoes on.  Student Council's first dance is Friday, November 11th.  This dance is for 7th and 8th grade Benjamin students only. It will be from 6pm-8pm.  If you want to join the celebration we can always use more chaperones.  Thanks to Alex and Colleen for their work putting this together. Also thanks to Lynette for her work in helping with decorations.  

Ed Tech Tools to connect students to a global community.

Don't forget that the Wellness Fair is tomorrow morning in the small gym.  

Thanks to Michele Davis for sharing one of her students Outsiders video, it was informative and entertaining.  Her students do a great job!

April Tepe had her 7th grade students racing their tractors for her Out of the Silo IMSA Stem Class.  they were fully engaged!


Jessica had the whole school asking me and other staff what their greatest fear was today.  I love how the scavenger hunt/quizzes get these students motivated! Hopefully they don't use this information against us 😂

I have been impressed with Mauricio's initiative in figuring things out for our chess team and upcoming tournament on December 3rd.  I may be reaching our for some additional help on that day if people are interested in earning some extra $$.  

Our basketball and cheer teams have three home games this week!  Thanks to coaches and supervisors for burning the midnight oil!

"Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving." -- Albert Einstein

"Sing like nobody can hear you, dance like nobody can see you, and love like you've never been hurt." -- Dick Van Dyke

“This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave.”
Elmer Davis

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