Thursday, May 26, 2022


 I know when something like what happened in Uvalde Texas takes place we all are filled with sorrow for the victims and their families.  We also take time to reflect on our school and the procedures each of us follow to keep our school safe.  Finally, as Dr. Woell pointed out,  please reach out and talk with someone if you need to, the resources are available to help our staff.  

Bill and Mark did a great job with their 8th grade students Levittown Neighborhood projects.  The projects were very hands on and educational.

The 5th grade team also had an engaging and educational project with their Egg Drop Challenge.  It is exciting to see our teachers having student involved in project based learning right up until the end of the year.

Jessica put out another outstanding edition of the Tiger Times with her crack newspaper staff.  It is great to read the interesting articles and to have 40 different students come to me asking which dog photo was mine.

Matt, Joe, Courtney, Bill and Abby did a great job at the sports awards Wednesday night.  As always, highlighting the sports achievements on the field as well as the character of their players off the field.  

The eighth grade takes off today on their trip to Great America.  I appreciate the hard work and all of the extra time these teachers are putting into making sure the kids have a great time at the end of their 8th grade year.

We are very happy for Sam Lawrence who landed a science teaching position for next year.  We will miss him but are very happy for his future success.  

Thanks to Megan for leading the way with The Bengal Cafe Project.  It has been a great activity for Kerry's class and our school in general.  

Thanks to Kim for all of the work she is doing to finish up final grades/report cards as well as all the help she has been giving to Evergreen with their report cards.  Please don't forget to fill out the curriculum writing form that Dr. Woell sent out if you have something to work on.  I am always available to discuss and answer any questions you might have.  

We have a short period of time left in the school year but a lot going on in the next few days.  I am looking forward to the last days of school, graduation, the awards ceremonies and our end of the year celebrations.  I know we also have a lot of things to tie up with the end of the year, including the end of year check-out process.  

This is the last blog of the year.  I know for every person, activity or event I recognize there are 5 more that I miss.  Thanks for doing your best and going above and beyond this school year. I am lucky to work with such a dedicated and professional staff. 

Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see." 

-- Mark Twain


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