Thursday, May 26, 2022


 I know when something like what happened in Uvalde Texas takes place we all are filled with sorrow for the victims and their families.  We also take time to reflect on our school and the procedures each of us follow to keep our school safe.  Finally, as Dr. Woell pointed out,  please reach out and talk with someone if you need to, the resources are available to help our staff.  

Bill and Mark did a great job with their 8th grade students Levittown Neighborhood projects.  The projects were very hands on and educational.

The 5th grade team also had an engaging and educational project with their Egg Drop Challenge.  It is exciting to see our teachers having student involved in project based learning right up until the end of the year.

Jessica put out another outstanding edition of the Tiger Times with her crack newspaper staff.  It is great to read the interesting articles and to have 40 different students come to me asking which dog photo was mine.

Matt, Joe, Courtney, Bill and Abby did a great job at the sports awards Wednesday night.  As always, highlighting the sports achievements on the field as well as the character of their players off the field.  

The eighth grade takes off today on their trip to Great America.  I appreciate the hard work and all of the extra time these teachers are putting into making sure the kids have a great time at the end of their 8th grade year.

We are very happy for Sam Lawrence who landed a science teaching position for next year.  We will miss him but are very happy for his future success.  

Thanks to Megan for leading the way with The Bengal Cafe Project.  It has been a great activity for Kerry's class and our school in general.  

Thanks to Kim for all of the work she is doing to finish up final grades/report cards as well as all the help she has been giving to Evergreen with their report cards.  Please don't forget to fill out the curriculum writing form that Dr. Woell sent out if you have something to work on.  I am always available to discuss and answer any questions you might have.  

We have a short period of time left in the school year but a lot going on in the next few days.  I am looking forward to the last days of school, graduation, the awards ceremonies and our end of the year celebrations.  I know we also have a lot of things to tie up with the end of the year, including the end of year check-out process.  

This is the last blog of the year.  I know for every person, activity or event I recognize there are 5 more that I miss.  Thanks for doing your best and going above and beyond this school year. I am lucky to work with such a dedicated and professional staff. 

Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see." 

-- Mark Twain


Thursday, May 19, 2022


Thursday Night's Choir and Band Concert was great! Big thanks to Melissa, April and Morgan for getting our musicians ready for their big night.

Thanks to our 8th grade team for leading a successful high school visitation day on Thursday with our 8th grade students.  This day is a great opportunity for our students to see what next year will be like.

I am looking forward to the NJHS Charity Fest today.  Thanks to Jessica and Jen for all of their efforts with our student leaders while also doing something  to give back to those who are in need.

Thanks to Ellen for organizing our all school picnic today.  Don't forget to grab your hotdog!

We had a full day of 4th to 5th grade transition meetings yesterday.  Thanks to Dr, LeBlanc, Todd, Megan, Nicole, Alex and Natalie for all of the hard work and planning that went into making these meetings successful. 

Seven strategies to get the most out of peer feedback! 

Huge shout out to Courtney, Bill, Carrie and Abby for completing a successful track season this week.  Track meets take a lot of work and organization and they gave a lot of both.

Good luck to Matt and Joe as their girls soccer team plays their final games this Saturday in the playoffs. 

Thanks to Tim, Tony and Frank for their efforts this week with all of our set-ups for Benjamin events!

"Beautiful and imaginative things can be destroyed. Beauty and imagination cannot." -- Alan Moore

"Do the jobs you like least first. It makes each successive job easier." -- Jim Henson

"What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity." -- George Eliot

Thursday, May 12, 2022


 Congrats to Colleen Morgan  and her 6th science students as they successfully utilized their pizza ovens that they built as they cooked (marshmallows) in the parking lot Monday.  

Thanks to Kerry for starting the Kindness Project with her students.  What a great lesson and message for her students and for all who support their class.  

Morgan did a great job with her beginning band recruitment parent meeting on Tuesday Night! She had many high school volunteers who helped the 4th grade students become familiar with a variety of instruments.  It was a great success.  

Congrats to our coaches!  As our spring season heads towards the finish line our track team hosted their home meet this week and girls soccer keeps squeaking out wins.  Thanks to Courtney, Bill, Carrie, Abby, Matt and Joe for their hard work and dedication to our student athletes. 

I'm very happy that within the last week our staff has had the chance to articulate about students (last Friday) and content (Wednesday).  If you throw in the data meetings (Thursday) about student interventions and services, that is a lot of important information that will help us  start the next school year strong!.  

Thanks  to Alex for organizing the Limo Lunch on Thursday for students who sold magazines for student council.  My highlight was when I asked the students how they know the song "Take on Me" by Aha (1985) and one student replied "My grandparents play it for me every once in a while!" ....Monday we have the reverse dunk tank in full effect during lunch time.  It should be a balmy 72 degrees!

I appreciate Tims help in communicating with Matt from Community Fellowship Church and securing what we need for graduation.  It is coming up quickly!

Office Reminders* Final end of the year awards are due to Kim by May 19th.   All final grades are due in power school by May 27th:   8th grade by 7am   5th-7th grade by Noon.  Please help Kim by making these deadlines.  

6th grade has organized an excellent education trip for their students today.  Brookfield Zoo is a wonderful setting for  an engaging and fun experience for our kiddos.  

I am looking forward to our Spring Band and Choir Concerts as well as our All School Picnic and Charity Fest next week.  

12 reasons to teach executive functioning skills.

Please make sure that we are tightening up on supervision the next couple of weeks. The end of the year is in our students sight and they are becoming a little restless. That means that we have to be structured, keep academics a priority and make students are always supervised. Please let only one student out of your classroom at a time to go to the bathroom, get a drink etc...  I appreciate your efforts during this crazy time.    

A man is what he thinks about all day long.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
If you expect nothing, you're apt to be surprised. You'll get it.  
Malcolm Forbes
Think you can, think you can't; either way, you'll be right.
Henry Ford

Thursday, May 5, 2022


 No time for the regular blog this week folks.  I did want to say that our Staff Learning Meeting was great! I loved hearing all of the accomplishments, positive feelings, compliments and funny stories each of you shared. Despite everything that happened, we did a lot of good this year! The meeting was a perfect example of why Benjamin is so special.  I think this quote from Todd Whitaker sums it up best.  I hope you had a great week and know that you are appreciated.