Thursday, September 23, 2021


 Our Coaches have really been putting in overtime lately.  Dan, Kerry, Matt, Bill and Joe all  had games/meets yesterday and more importantly have helped to guide their students in hard work and sportsmanship.  

Please make sure that you finish your online health trainings that are due very soon.  

How art powers social change.

Print or digital reading for young students...

I appreciate the staff that has been working on the Master Schedule Committee and continue to brainstorm ideas that will benefit our students and learning in general.  

Data meetings took place yesterday and once again it was great seeing staff work together to help give students the support they need.  Parental contact and communication is always a vital piece to helping students learn and keeping parents informed of student problems/missing work helps put teachers and parents on the same team to support the students.

How to find, read and use academic research.

Please make sure that you give the office your student roster for clubs.  Also make sure that you have students pay the club fee ($15 although some club sponsors charge more due to club costs)

I will put PTA  membership forms in your mailbox as they may not have been given them earlier in year as I thought.  

Helping students with their writing and research skills by using interdisciplinary instruction.

Just a reminder to turn your student growth goals into my mailbox by October 1, and feel free to start setting up your first observation with me at your convenience.  

Using ongoing formative data to measure growth.

I appreciate the work Angela and Danielle have been doing to help our staff with tech and general problem solving.  

It's not the time in your life, it's the life in your time." -- Bruce Springsteen

“Whatever you do, always give 100%. Unless you're donating blood.” -- Bill Murray

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