Thursday, April 15, 2021


 Thanks to Betty for providing valuable and informative professional development speaker on Wednesday.  It is available online if for some reason you missed the presentation.  

If anyone is interested in the Check in Check out or HW club position we may be opening them up for extra students support.  

Monday the School Board will be walking through our building and we will be popping into a few classrooms with Dr. Woell.  This will happen 1st and beginning of 2nd period. 

Please consider participating in the PTA Celebration of You with their mixology event next Friday.  Friday they will deliver packages for you to bring home.

Student Led Collaborative Learning  to Empower math students.

Please make sure that you fill out Greg's survey on your laptop choice ASAP.

Dr. Woell also sent out a very important survey on your interest in teaching summer school.  Once we know your interest we can plan different levels of support and programs we can offer.

A History of Philosophy in 81 Video Lectures

Thanks to all of the lunch supervisors and morning and after school lot workers.  You guys are helping things run smoothly in more unstructured environments and I appreciate it.   

Thanks to Mark and Melissa  for continuing our state testing with our 5th and 8th grade students in science this week.  I appreciate your extended dedication to keeping the students focused and motivated.  

Good luck to our track team today  at their first home meet.  Thanks to our coaches and everyone who signed up to work the meet.  

Thanks for continuing to enforce students social distancing. I understand how frustrating it can be as the kids continue to need constant reminders.

How and why to Introduce Visual Notetaking to your students.

Team Leaders will be talking with you on your thoughts and ideas for the beginning of next school year  and things we can do to improve.  

The man who does not read has no advantage over the man that cannot read.  

Mark Twain

There are many ways of going forward, but only one way of standing still 

Franklin D. Roosevelt

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