Thursday, March 25, 2021


 Thanks to Dr. Woell for arranging the Taco truck during lunch  Please make sure you get out there at the start of your lunch period.  I will rotate around the lunch supervisors to make sure you get to eat!

I know we all  wish Lauren G the best of luck as she begins her maternity leave at the end of the day on Friday.  Don't forget to fill out the baby pool to predict the baby's gender!

We will send out the remote student numbers at the beginning of the day tomorrow.  Quite a few families continued to move from remote to in-person today. This will also adjust the classroom desk numbers a little bit.

I want to thank the whole custodian crew for helping to get the desks out of storage, cleaned and placed in the rooms.  

Sherry, Angela and Megan P put on another great STEM parade with Sherr's STEM students.  The commentary was great and the floats and video clips were awesome.  Please check out what a great job they did.

Please check out the email Greg sent out from Janice and Lisa about funding opportunities for STEM/tech projects.  

One item that I did not address in my IAR parent letter was that Remote students will only be logged in during the class schedule portion of the testing schedule.  There will not be any expectations for you to assign alternative lesson for the testing time.

It was great seeing so many students in the building after school.  Between band practice, theater, art club, newspaper club, and sports camps we have had a ton of kids making connections with each other in hands on activities.  

Thanks to Angela and Danielle for coming up with a great way to entertain and educate with their new Podcast.  It was awesome.  Listen below.

Thanks to Sherry for coming up with this idea for staff motivation when we return from break.  

I hope everyone enjoys their break and has time to relax and unwind with family.  

"Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes...Including you." -- Anne Lamott

 "The time to relax is when you don't have time for it." -- Sydney Harris

 "Surrender to what is. Let go of what was. Have faith in what will be." -- Sonia Ricotte

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