Thursday, March 25, 2021


 Thanks to Dr. Woell for arranging the Taco truck during lunch  Please make sure you get out there at the start of your lunch period.  I will rotate around the lunch supervisors to make sure you get to eat!

I know we all  wish Lauren G the best of luck as she begins her maternity leave at the end of the day on Friday.  Don't forget to fill out the baby pool to predict the baby's gender!

We will send out the remote student numbers at the beginning of the day tomorrow.  Quite a few families continued to move from remote to in-person today. This will also adjust the classroom desk numbers a little bit.

I want to thank the whole custodian crew for helping to get the desks out of storage, cleaned and placed in the rooms.  

Sherry, Angela and Megan P put on another great STEM parade with Sherr's STEM students.  The commentary was great and the floats and video clips were awesome.  Please check out what a great job they did.

Please check out the email Greg sent out from Janice and Lisa about funding opportunities for STEM/tech projects.  

One item that I did not address in my IAR parent letter was that Remote students will only be logged in during the class schedule portion of the testing schedule.  There will not be any expectations for you to assign alternative lesson for the testing time.

It was great seeing so many students in the building after school.  Between band practice, theater, art club, newspaper club, and sports camps we have had a ton of kids making connections with each other in hands on activities.  

Thanks to Angela and Danielle for coming up with a great way to entertain and educate with their new Podcast.  It was awesome.  Listen below.

Thanks to Sherry for coming up with this idea for staff motivation when we return from break.  

I hope everyone enjoys their break and has time to relax and unwind with family.  

"Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes...Including you." -- Anne Lamott

 "The time to relax is when you don't have time for it." -- Sydney Harris

 "Surrender to what is. Let go of what was. Have faith in what will be." -- Sonia Ricotte

Thursday, March 18, 2021


I want to thank Dan, Matt Tylk, and Bill for coaching our two week basketball and volleyball  camps.  It was great seeing the kids participating in sports in a safe way.   Special thanks to Dan for all of the planning that went into this and to Jen V for helping get kids checked in.  

Running a book club online for students or colleagues, tips. 

It was fun seeing 5th Grade Team take over the anchor desk on the BB300.  

Thanks to Greg for putting together the IAR Training Wednesday.  Please make sure you log-in to your Pearson Access Next Account to make sure it is working and refer to my email about testing if you have any questions about the schedule.  We will start on Thursday, April 8th with Math 1 and  Math 2 tests. 

Some pretty good advice.

Please say hello to Erik Campbell if you see him in the hallway.  He will be taking over for Kerry K when she goes on leave. He is in the building subbing and shadowing Kerry.  

The Value of mailing encouraging notes to students.

Thanks to Jessica and Lauren for spearheading the NJHS fundraiser for the N. Illinois Foodbank and St. Judes Children's hospital. Buy a cupcake tomorrow to help a charity and feed your belly.  

 8 ways that you can bolster executive functioning in tweens and teens.

Thanks to all of my Lunch duty supervisors for continuing to do a fantastic job of helping and supervising our kiddos. 

I am happy to report Lynette Wright will be taking over the reigns in the art room next year.  She is excited to have the opportunity to collaborate with Lyn the rest of the year to ensure a smooth transition.  I am confident Lynette is going to keep up the great tradition of an outstanding art program. 

Speaking of our art program and former art students The Illinois State Board of Education sponsors an annual Art contest for students. This year, sophomore Bella Wiehle won not only the High School division but also is the overall winner of the contest!

I have been busy answering a lot of questions from staff and parents on the upcoming transition.  I hope to have a staff letter and a parent letter ready by tomorrow to answer most remaining questions/concerns but just reach out if something is on your mind.  

Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference." -- Mark Twain

"The one who learns and learns and doesn't practice is like the one who plows and plows and never plants." -- Plato

Thursday, March 11, 2021


 Team leaders and myself are working hard on developing an IAR schedule.  The testing will take place first thing in the morning.  The specials teachers are working on some virtual activities for the students at home that will be combined with some asynchronous work from teachers.Much more details to follow shortly. Also just a reminder that that Wednesday Greg will be leading our IAR training.

4 reasons why Zoom can be exhausting.

Since Michelle is in the library by herself next week, please be ready to man the desk if she is teaching one of your classes.  

Thanks to Dr. Woell for getting proactive communication out to staff and parents about the changing guidelines and how that affects our school. 

If you read one thing in the blog, you might want to make it this.

Thanks to the master schedule committee who continues to work in preparation for our next meeting at the end of March.

Thanks to Dan Baker for working hard to get some intramural sports launched the next two weeks before launching the official spring season.  An email blast to parents and an announcement for students will be made today.

Helping parents with student engagement.

Please make sure you sign up for a time to demo computers that may be the choice for staff next year.  Refer to Angela's email for details.

Thanks to Betty for putting together the PD last week.  It has already had a positive impact on our school as teachers are turning obstacles into opportunities.  

Please take time to fill out the 5 essentials survey.  Next week I will send info on our students  taking the survey.  

Please remind your students about the NJHS bread tag fundraiser.  More details are available in Jessica's emails.


At the PTA meeting tonight I was asked to remind teachers about the student incentive money and teacher wish list money that is still available. It's also a good time to remind you that the regular school year budget spending will be ending at the beginning of April.  

Please work with your teams to update the School Supply lists.  PTA needs them by next Friday so the order form can be sent out to parents.

Thursday, March 4, 2021


 As mentioned in my email earlier today we are very happy that there is a new member to the Turek Family Band!  I know we wish Matthew and Theresa the best in their new adventure in parenthood.

Better Break Out Rooms, Have a Plan Man!

I was excited to see Melissa, April and Danielle have their parent meeting to go over Theater Club specifics including in-person rehearsals and show opportunities, Jessica  having hybrid newspaper club  and Joe S having Chess Club last night.  The return of in-person club opportunities provides a great experience for students.

Thanks to everyone for participating in the lockdown drills this week, to Melissa for organizing them and to Frank and Tony for helping out the police by unlocking all the doors.  It is important to make sure the students know what to do and I appreciate the time you took to explain the difference between this year's drill and what to do in a real situation.  We will be having a refresher on the classroom emergency buttons and the phone intercom system.

Thanks to everyone for meeting with me on Tuesday and Wednesday and giving me your honest feedback.  I summarized the information and relayed your opinions to Dr. Woell.  He knows how hard you guys are working and appreciated you taking time to give feedback. 

Please make sure you have your EL Learning Meeting assignment done by the end of Friday.

Thanks to Kim and Ellen for importing, fixing and stuffing grades and report cards.  Your perseverance is appreciated. 

14 Books that Connect Student Readers with scientists struggle.

Please use your plan or Team time to take the 5 Essential Survey.  I am working on organizing a time table/schedule for students to take this while considering all forms of state testing as well.

So happy to see more students in-person as more families chose to send their students to school for the third trimester.

Super excited that we will have a lot of staff fully vaccinated after the day is done.  I will be at the high school again to help run the event but will be checking email frequently if you need help with anything. 

"Whatever you think you can do, or believe you can do, begin it. Action has magic, power and grace." -- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe