Thursday, January 14, 2021


 One reminder that I forgot to put in my email was about making sure everyone self-certifies at each day when you come in.

Thanks to Chris for using the BB300 to inform students about the hybrid schedule. 

3 ways to level up your Zoom skills.

Thanks to the PST team for working hard yesterday to schedule upcoming student meetings to match with grade level teams planning times and parent availability. 

When you get nothing for crickets...good article from Cult of Pedagogy.

Thanks to all of the people who are working, morning, after school and lunch supervision shifts.  Just as a reminder all morning workers need to be at their post at 7:20am. 

How to Help Kids Open up about Anything.

Just a reminder that we have a an open lunch position for 5th/8th grade lunch.  See me if interested.  

Thanks to Cheryl, Jen Lora and Leslie for all of the training they went through to learn our new Skyward.  Please make sure you try logging in using the link that Cheryl provided in her email yesterday.  

6 classroom strategies that work for generating discussions online.

Thanks to Vanessa, Greg, Angela and Danielle for continuing to provide tech support and work on solving problems large and small.  It is appreciated. 

MJ's class have been busy with video, hands on and Zoom guest speaker lesson.  First a lesson on animal waste from the San Diego Zoo and then a music therapist.  The kids loved both of the experiences. 

Bringing a collaborative math strategy online.

Michelle F and Kathy both did a great job of supervising our student assistance program.  I appreciate Michelle's extra follow-up, conversation and even assigning them homework that she looked up on powerschool.  I will be asking only a couple students to continue coming in on their "off" days.  

Thanks to Lauren and Jessica for working hard to prepare for the upcoming Virtual NJHS Ceremony.  The students and families will appreciate the extra effort put into planning for this transition.  

The building will be open this weekend 6am-6pm and on Monday during regular weekday hours.  Please sign in on the clipboard and when leaving Saturday or Sunday set the alarm if no-one else is listed on the clipboard.  Monday do not set the alarm when leaving as custodians will be in the building.

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