Thursday, January 28, 2021


 Excited that Melissa, April and Danielle were able to get theater club tryouts completed online and now have a stellar cast for The Wizard of Oz. Look forward to seeing the hard work of the kids and the sponsors a little later than usual this year.

Inviting participation with thumbs up responses.

Alex and Colleen were able to run a minecraft tournament Wednesday after school.  I heard from Alex and some of the students what a great time they had.  Nice to have a virtual activity for the students to participate in.

The Fastest route is not always a straight line.  

Thanks to everyone for doing a stellar job during the snow/remote day on Tuesday.  Despite staff having different circumstances at home our students received a good day of instruction.  I appreciate the extra effort whether you came in the building or taught from home.  

It was nice to see Judy Buchman back in the building this week and Laura P as a sub for MJ's room.  Also thanks to Angela who will be training a new sub tomorrow.  

Why teens should understand their own brain and why teachers should as well.

Thanks to Ellen, Kim, Marcia, Megan S and Melissa for helping make calls to parents who forget to online certify their child.  Please remember to go online to self-certify yourself each day.

5 writing activities to use in all subjects and why it is important.

As of right now the state is planning on moving forward with state testing (IAR, DLM, Access, ISA) Thanks to Kim and Greg, along with other staff who is working behind the scenes to make sure it is ready if we do have to test in March/April. 

5 simple ideas to increase connection.

Thanks to Melissa who is also working behind the scenes trying to organize and plan our safety drills that we are still required to do for all students this year.  More information to come.

Band using Visuals and music to plan some snowball fun last Tuesday

Thanks to teams for continuing to reach out and communicate with families whose students are struggling remotely.  As frustrating as it is, your efforts do help. I will be jumping into teams on Friday to brainstorm specific students. 

Some spoken word poetry from Megan P's room on the importance of getting names right.

"The secret of success is an absolute ungovernable curiosity." -- Larry King

"You only go around once, but if you play your cards right, once is enough." -- Frank Sinatra.

"The secret of a good sermon is to have a good beginning and a good ending, then having the two as close together as possible." -- George Burns


Thursday, January 21, 2021


 Jessica and Lauren did an excellent job organizing and hosting our NJHS Virtual Induction Ceremony Wednesday Night.

6 ways to build Community in online classrooms.  (Good article)

I loved getting into classes yesterday to see the great job each of you are doing. I know how hard it is to balance remote and in-person students and I appreciate it.

PBS lesson plan on Amanda Gorman's Inaugural Poem, The Hill we Climb
Funny Enough Megan Peterson was already tying this poem  to her own lesson planning yesterday !

Please make sure you take time to fill out Dr. Woell's vaccination interest form he sent out yesterday.

Thanks to Tim, Frank, Tony and the night crew for staying on top the cleaning and requests since students have entered the building again this week.  We appreciate it.

Thanks to Ellen and Kim for the great job they have been doing keeping up with the hustle and bustle of Hybrid Learning.   We appreciate your positivity and extra effort you give each day.  

Thanks to the team leaders for meeting with me after an exhausting first day back this week and for sharing information with the rest of the staff. 
Thanks to everyone for continuing to self-certify on the district health website.

How to help students feel a sense of belonging.

"Even the greatest was once a beginner. Don't be afraid to take that first step." -- Muhammad Ali

For there is always light, If only we’re brave enough to see it If only we’re brave enough to be it’

Thursday, January 14, 2021


 One reminder that I forgot to put in my email was about making sure everyone self-certifies at each day when you come in.

Thanks to Chris for using the BB300 to inform students about the hybrid schedule. 

3 ways to level up your Zoom skills.

Thanks to the PST team for working hard yesterday to schedule upcoming student meetings to match with grade level teams planning times and parent availability. 

When you get nothing for crickets...good article from Cult of Pedagogy.

Thanks to all of the people who are working, morning, after school and lunch supervision shifts.  Just as a reminder all morning workers need to be at their post at 7:20am. 

How to Help Kids Open up about Anything.

Just a reminder that we have a an open lunch position for 5th/8th grade lunch.  See me if interested.  

Thanks to Cheryl, Jen Lora and Leslie for all of the training they went through to learn our new Skyward.  Please make sure you try logging in using the link that Cheryl provided in her email yesterday.  

6 classroom strategies that work for generating discussions online.

Thanks to Vanessa, Greg, Angela and Danielle for continuing to provide tech support and work on solving problems large and small.  It is appreciated. 

MJ's class have been busy with video, hands on and Zoom guest speaker lesson.  First a lesson on animal waste from the San Diego Zoo and then a music therapist.  The kids loved both of the experiences. 

Bringing a collaborative math strategy online.

Michelle F and Kathy both did a great job of supervising our student assistance program.  I appreciate Michelle's extra follow-up, conversation and even assigning them homework that she looked up on powerschool.  I will be asking only a couple students to continue coming in on their "off" days.  

Thanks to Lauren and Jessica for working hard to prepare for the upcoming Virtual NJHS Ceremony.  The students and families will appreciate the extra effort put into planning for this transition.  

The building will be open this weekend 6am-6pm and on Monday during regular weekday hours.  Please sign in on the clipboard and when leaving Saturday or Sunday set the alarm if no-one else is listed on the clipboard.  Monday do not set the alarm when leaving as custodians will be in the building.

Thursday, January 7, 2021


 The Baby Shower for Matthew and his wife was great fun.  It is awesome how everyone added their words of wisdom to advise them on parenting,  Thanks to Lauren who does an amazing job on the social committee organizing the event.

5 ways to take some distance out of distance learning.

Michelle F has done a great job with the student assistant program this week, checking in on students to make sure they are engaged in their classroom Zooms.  Thanks to the teachers making a special effort to check in with them at the end of the day during office hours and CFU. 

Competencies of a Post-Covid World

Thanks to everyone who contributed to the school board presentation whether you added the slide or you your lesson is being highlighted, I appreciate it!

Pear Deck's templates for discussing hard topics.

Just a shout out to all of the club supervisors.  I know there are new clubs starting and some that have been meeting for a while.  All of them give the students a creative outlet that they desperately need.  

3 ways to get teens thinking metacognitively.

On Wednesday, January 13th we have an early-release day from 1:10pm-4:00pm.  Our school day will end at the end of 8th period at 1:10pm.  There will be no Office Hours or CFU on this day.  This day should be used in preparation for our transition to Hybrid instruction.

Free Live Pear Deck Webinars for Illinois teachers;

Fun Fact Elvis would be 86 years old today.

"Time is the coin of your life. You spend it. Do not allow others to spend it for you." -- Carl Sandburg

"Never give up on what you really want to do. The person with big dreams is more powerful than one with all the facts." -- H. Jackson Brown, Jr.