How making music can help kids cope with trauma.
Thanks to the lunch supervisors who on top of their regular duties are also doing extra duties to serve out of the small gym and move the students back to the multi.
Thanks to Ellen who was operating solo in the office while Kim was recovering/working from home.
A Google image search tutorial for students to explore copyright and important usage questions.
Thanks to Michelle for organizing the Caudill Reading program and celebration.
food for thought:
Thanks to the 5th grade team who ran an innovative reward trip yesterday in house with some virtual reality and other fun activities.
How to make grading more effective and efficient.
I am looking forward to the Foundation Trivia Night this weekend. Thanks to all of the teams/individuals who donated items for the raffle. Also, thanks to Megan D for all of her efforts to coordinate things on behalf of the foundation and school district.
The key to creating positive habits. (Habits of Mind Alert)
I am still in need of summer school teaching assistants. Please see me if interested. I am hoping to have it fully staffed by spring break.
What happens to your brain when you get positive feedback.
Lauren G did a great job of getting parent volunteer readers into her class all week for Read Across America week.
Melissa L did a great job of unlocking an unbelievable opportunity for our 8th grade musicians. She has secured the Chicago Symphony Orchestra to work with our students in a variety of ways including a rehearsal, a Master Class and a performance. We are one of only 6 schools in the state that they will do this with. Thanks to the 8th grade team for being flexible and working with Melissa for this to happen.
Thanks to Melissa F and the 5th grade team for organizing the dare graduation earlier in the week. Students were excited to see the real bloodhound that the officers brought in!
I appreciate the meaningful conversation that I had with teachers in the ILAR and Math subject area meetings on Wednesday. What is always apparent to me is that teachers at Benjamin care about their students, their educational experiences and how they perform.
Using growth mindset with our EL students:
I appreciate the work that Sherry is doing to revise our letter for 6th grade students considering Spanish for their 7th and 8th grade year. This will help families in the decision making process.
Graphic Novels are real books....

The 8th grade teachers will be travelling to enchanted castle on Friday for an exciting reward trip of game play and adventure, and the students are also looking forward to their trip!
3 tips to use data effectively.
Just a reminder that we will have our IAR training on Wednesday with Greg. I will have the revised schedule to everyone by then as well. Special thanks to Kim for getting all of the accommodations/test rooms and all other information entered into SIS.
Congratulations to Colleen and Kerry who earned IDNR grants for outdoor ed and a trip to the Shed Aquarium! Also thanks to Janice and Lisa for making it happen.
"We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master." -- Ernest Hemingway
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