Thursday, February 13, 2020


Please RSVP  for The Foundation Trivia Night on March 7th. Better yet, get a group together for a table or join my team.  The flyer with more information is available in the office.  It is a fun night!

Teaching Black History in culturally responsive ways.

Congratulations to Megan Peterson who was officially approved as a full time teacher at the board meeting on Monday night.  She will be joining the 7th grade team and taking over the ILAR reins when Adrienne retires!


Hopefully everyone has had a chance to meet Vanessa.  She has been absorbing Benjamin knowledge from Ellen B and applying her tech knowledge by jumping right in to help solve problems!

Black History literature connections from our TCI.

Melissa, April and Danielle did a great job presenting the play preview to the school board and a packed multi full of parents.  I can't wait for the full show in March. 

Graphic showing additional clothing needed as temperatures drop

I am very grateful that Jessica, Lauren, Colleen and Alex  have agreed to have NJHS and Student Council participate in the WCCHS leadership summit on March 24th.  This should be a great experience for our young Benjamin leaders. 

10 strategies to help strengthen instruction.

Thanks to Angela for helping guide a group of us through the gmail transition on Wednesday and countless individuals before and after. 

Adapting history into musical theater from PBS.

If you are staying in-house please send me your agenda for the upcoming county wide institute on February 28th.  If you are going out please make sure Kim and I know where you are going and that you have followed all proper steps to register and attend. 


Don't forget about kindness day on Tuesday!   Here are some ideas.

Huge thanks to Tim, Tony and Frank for putting in the extra hours to keep the grounds clear and safe during this winter blast!

School transformation in the 21st century with Habits of Mind.

Best of luck to Matthew and the band students as they participate in the solo and ensemble contest this weekend.  I know he has been working hard to make sure they are ready. 


I look forward to working with Joe Pisano next year as he was hired as the new principal of Evergreen for the 2020-2021 school year.


"Some people feel the rain. Others just get wet." -- Bob Marley

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