A great read. 7 things you can do outside of work to be more successful!
Jessica did another great job leading the Tiger Times staff to another spectacular edition of the newspaper. Bravo!
Thanks to Sherry and Todd for filling in for bus duty as Melissa and I are at a conference today.
How can we plan for inquiry in mind?
Thanks to Colleen and Alex as well as all of the chaperones for "being there" for the student tonight at the Halloween dance. What a great activity for our students on a Friday night.
A huge thank you to Coach R for continuing to fill in for us at the PE Teaching assistant.
The Bill of Rights through Dystopian Novels Connecting Social Studies and ILAR

I appreciate the time and effort that Mark puts into the Washington DC trip, which officially kicked off last night with a parent meeting. Having led the trip many times myself I know what an awesome educational opportunity this trip is for our students.
Why reading books should be your priority according to science.

Thanks to Joe S for kicking off the Chess season last night with pizza and the first practice. The numbers have been growing recently. No matter what a student is interested in there is an activity to match at BMS!
Habits of Mind Connection! The Role of Metacognition in Learning and Achievement.

Melissa, April and Danielle have completed the clinic and auditions and the cast will be revealed at the end of the day! Time put in equals the outcome, which is why the musical is always awesome!
Speaking of hard work Betty and Dr. LeBlanc have been working hard setting up an EL family night. Doing everything we can to welcome and inform all of our families is vital to our students success. Great job!
Science, Art, Music, Tech, Food, Animation and more, tons of videos from an animated version of the Scientific Method, A brief history of chess, Nasa's guide to black hole safety, Jazz is the mother of Hip-Hop, How to draw a 3D City, and many more videos you can use in your classroom.
Dr. Woell showed off his musical talent with our 8th graders as he jumped in to play with the always awesome Michael Miles!
Big shout out to Randy Johnson who continues to work marvels with our makerspace, during the day and after school sharing his talent with individual and large groups of students!
“To a disciple who was forever complaining about others, the Master said, ‘If it is peace you want, seek to change yourself, not other people. It is easier to protect your feet with slippers than to carpet the whole of the earth.’” — Anthony de Mello
When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be. When I let go of what I have, I receive what I need.” -- Tao Te Ching
“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people just exist.” – Oscar Wilde
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