Why struggle is essential to the brain and our lives.

Thanks to the Growth Mindset Committee for meeting Wednesday to plan part of our November 8th Institute Day.
Thanks to everyone for preparing for the parent teacher conferences next week. This is a great opportunity to communicate and work together with parents to support your students. Food line-up: Nov. 7th Pizza and Salad, 12th Mexican Menu, 14th soups and salads from the PTA. All meals will be set-up by 2:45 so you have time to eat before conferences start at 4:00pm
Speaking of the PTA, please send me your links for the PTA wish lists so I can forward them to Mrs. DelPreto.
National Symphony Orchestra baby shark Video for the Nationals.
Thanks to Ellen and Kim for organizing the October Feast yesterday. Food, friends and comradery make a strong staff!
What if schools were obsessively learner centered?

Thanks to Melissa, Jim and all of the chaperones for supervising the 7th grade trip on Wednesday. Being exposed to works of art in the Art Institute can expose students to creativity, beauty and expression that can leave a lasting impact.
Writing without rules lets students find their voice.
Betty and Dr. LeBlanc had a great turnout for their EL parent night as more than 22 different families came together for knowledge, food and fun.
Nicole is doing a great job getting the dance and cheer team prepared for the season. Their school spirit and routines will bring energy to our basketball games.
Station Rotation for your English class.
Thanks to Megan D for continuing to give the core students real world experiences with their Bengal Cafe.
Thanks to Colleen and Alex for bringing the Halloween Spirit with their cart of teacher treats yesterday morning.
9 thinking behaviors.
Sherry did a great job with her cultural celebration of Dia de los Muertos in her Spanish classes yesterday. Bringing parents into the classroom to assist is always a plus!
Seven components of feedback.
Thanks to Kim for organizing the spirit wear purchases for staff. Let's get our Bengals on!
How to learn anything in 5 minutes and remember it forever. Yes, it is a clickbait title. So take the bait and click.