Thursday, October 31, 2019


I want to congratulate all of you! According to the Illinois School Report Card, Benjamin Middle School was in the top 9% of the State for our 2018-2019 IAR scores.  That brings us up 2% from last year.  I appreciate the hard work you do everyday and will continue to do to help kids in the classroom, which allows them to display their knowledge on these and other assessments.

Why struggle is essential to the brain and our lives.
Why Struggle Is Essential for the Brain — and Our Lives

Thanks to the Growth Mindset Committee for meeting Wednesday to plan part of our November 8th Institute Day.


Thanks to everyone for preparing for the parent teacher conferences next week.  This is a great opportunity to communicate and work together with parents to support your students.  Food line-up: Nov. 7th Pizza and Salad, 12th Mexican Menu, 14th soups and salads from the PTA.  All meals will be set-up by 2:45 so you have time to eat before conferences start at 4:00pm

Speaking of the PTA, please send me your links for the PTA wish lists so I can forward them to Mrs. DelPreto.

National Symphony Orchestra baby shark Video for the Nationals.

Thanks to Ellen and Kim for organizing the October Feast yesterday.  Food, friends and comradery make a strong staff!

What if schools were obsessively learner centered?

Thanks to Melissa, Jim and all of the chaperones for supervising the 7th grade trip on Wednesday.  Being exposed to works of art in the Art Institute can expose students to creativity, beauty and expression that can leave a lasting impact.

Writing without rules lets students find their voice.

Betty and Dr. LeBlanc had a great turnout for their EL parent night as more than 22 different families came together for knowledge, food and fun.


Nicole is doing a great job getting the dance and cheer team prepared for the season.  Their school spirit and routines will bring energy to our basketball games.

Station Rotation for your English class.

Thanks to Megan D for continuing to give the core students real world experiences with their Bengal Cafe.


Thanks to Colleen and Alex for bringing the Halloween Spirit with their cart of teacher treats yesterday morning.

9 thinking behaviors.

Sherry did a great job with her cultural celebration of Dia de los Muertos in her Spanish classes yesterday.  Bringing parents into the classroom to assist is always a plus!

Seven components of feedback.

Thanks to Kim for organizing the spirit wear purchases for staff.  Let's get our Bengals on!

How to learn anything in 5 minutes and remember it forever.  Yes, it is a clickbait title.  So take the bait and click.

Thursday, October 24, 2019


Congratulations to all of the fall coaches who did a tremendous job of speaking about their very successful seasons and their student athletes at the Sports Awards Wednesday night.  What great role models for the students to follow!

A great read. 7 things you can do outside of work to be more successful!

Jessica did another great job leading the Tiger Times staff to another spectacular edition of the newspaper.  Bravo!

Thanks to Sherry and Todd for filling in for bus duty as Melissa and I are at a conference today.

How can we plan for inquiry in mind?

Thanks to Colleen and Alex as well as all of the chaperones for "being there" for the student tonight at the Halloween dance.  What a great activity for our students on a Friday night.

A huge thank you to Coach R for continuing to fill in for us at the PE Teaching assistant.
Image result for you're a lifesaver

The Bill of Rights through Dystopian Novels  Connecting Social Studies and ILAR
Hunger Games movie still showing the character Katniss Everdeen shooting an arrow

I appreciate the time and effort that Mark puts into the Washington DC trip, which officially kicked off last night with a parent meeting.  Having led the trip many times myself I know what an awesome educational opportunity this trip is for our students.

Why reading books should be your priority according to science.

Thanks to Joe S for kicking off the Chess season last night with pizza and the first practice.  The numbers have been growing recently.  No matter what a student is interested in there is an activity to match at BMS!

Habits of Mind Connection!  The Role of Metacognition in Learning and Achievement.

Melissa, April and Danielle have completed the clinic and auditions and the cast will be revealed at the end of the day!  Time put in equals the outcome, which is why the musical is always awesome!


Speaking of hard work Betty and Dr. LeBlanc have been working hard setting up an EL family night.  Doing everything we can to welcome and inform all of our families is vital to our students success.  Great job!

Science, Art, Music, Tech, Food, Animation and more, tons of videos from an animated version of the Scientific Method, A brief history of chess, Nasa's guide to black hole safety, Jazz is the mother of Hip-Hop, How to draw a 3D City, and many more videos you can use in your classroom.

Dr. Woell showed off his musical talent with our 8th graders as he jumped in to play with the always awesome Michael Miles!

Big shout out to Randy Johnson who continues to work marvels with our makerspace, during the day and after school sharing his talent with individual and large groups of students!

“To a disciple who was forever complaining about others, the Master said, ‘If it is peace you want, seek to change yourself, not other people. It is easier to protect your feet with slippers than to carpet the whole of the earth.’” — Anthony de Mello

When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be. When I let go of what I have, I receive what I need.” -- Tao Te Ching

“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people just exist.” – Oscar Wilde

Thursday, October 17, 2019


Thanks to all of the outdoor education staff for all of the hard work they have been putting in to make a great trip for our students!  Special thanks to Kendra, Judy and Laura P for making the special trip out there and back yesterday, the students definitely enjoyed it!

Train your brain to get what you want.

I can't wait to see Benjamin Middle School's production of Beauty and the Beast in March.  Between now and then Melissa, April and Danielle will be putting in the work! 
Image result for beauty and the beast gif

Apps and websites for gifted and talented students.  A lot for the little guys but if you scroll to the end you will find some for middle school.

I loved getting into 5th and 7th grade classrooms this week.  Everyone brings their unique strengths and talents to get the best out of our kids!


What a great idea Chris had to have teacher guest newscasters while the BB300 crew was at outdoor ed.  Thanks to Matthew T, April,Adrienne, and Megan masks... masks


Thanks to Betty and Melissa L for their continued work on the Wishtree project.  What a positive message!

Great Song, fun dog!


Please sign up to be a chaperone for the dance on Friday, October 25th.  

Next time you want to complain at work, do this instead.

I appreciate the job that all of our wonderful subs are doing this week for our outdoor ed teachers, we couldn't do it without you.  


“A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.” -- John Shedd

In honor of Outdoor Ed, comedian Jim Gaffigan on Camping!

Thursday, October 10, 2019


Thanks to Nicole for her informative and important message on mandated reporting procedures.  Let Nicole, Todd or myself know if you have any questions. 

Here is a video of the The War of Art.   Short summary of a short but great book.  Watch the video and let me know if you are interested in borrowing the book. 

Thanks for your attention during my presentation on two of the HOM, "Listening with Understanding and Empathy" and "Striving for Accuracy".  In PST yesterday I was able to see multiple people showing active listening techniques including summarizing what was said and giving counterpoints.  Please make a concerted effort to implement any of the 8 HOM in your lesson plans.


Please take a minute to read this important message from Betty about a project we will all be participating in related to a book The Wishing Tree, in connection to both Red Ribbon Week and Character Ed Week.

Megan P has many copies of the Wishing Tree book and many other Project Lit books.  Has anyone accepted her invitation to participate in Project Lit? I know we are all busy, but I am on Book 3.  Lets Go!


Michelle Fiorini is working with Anderson book  store to schedule a author visit from some pretty big name authors...more to follow. 


Melissa, April, and Danielle are all prepping for the start of the musical season and the kick off will officially begin with the announcement today.  My guess...The 1988 broadway musical sensation "Carrie" based on the novel by Stephen King!


Jessica brought an expert into her class by using tech to Skype with an ASL interpreter  which was connected to a book they read!

Congratulations to Matt T, Matt C, Dan B, Kerry K, Courtney and Bill for successful seasons and best of luck in the Championships/playoffs. 

Short video from Ellen Degeneres that highlights an important point related to our conversation at Wednesday's early dismissal. 

PTA is asking for teachers to rotate and attend the monthly meeting as a way to both hear teacher voices and to be a liason to the rest of the staff.  I'm thinking two teachers per meeting.  I will put a sign-up in the lounge.  Only 4 remaining meetings...Nov 21, Jan 16, March 12, May 14th.

Why middle school is hard for so many people.

“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” ―Dr. Maya Angelou

Thursday, October 3, 2019


Thanks to everyone for the surprise party and gift at the Learning Meeting on Wednesday.  I don't do well with compliments but your recognition of my accomplishment is appreciated!

One of our former students is really excelling on the golf course.  Kendall Farm just accomplished:
  Hole in 1 Today
Regular Season UEC Champ
UEC Tournament Champ
UEC Girls Golf Player of the Year

Good luck to Mr. Turek and the band who will be performing at the WCCHS football game tonight. 

Yesterday's boys soccer game was rescheduled for tonight.  Unfortunately I cannot make it.  Please let Dan B know if you can supervise as I am sure he will be looking for someone. 

What does innovation mean in a library?
What does innovation mean in a library?

Thanks to the many club supervisors for  providing the students a great outlet to explore their interests and talents.  Extending the school day before and after school really adds to their school experience. 

Thanks to Megan D and all of the teaching assistants who are helping the kids make the Bengal Cafe a viable business.  The students are learning real life skills.

Bloom Verbs:

I appreciate the job Kim did in securing all of the subs we need for the outdoor education trip October 16th, 17th, and 18th.  I believe she has secured every available sub in the district for those three days.  I am working with Dr. Woell on a plan to add to our sublist and appreciate your best efforts to be in school on those days. 

You are never too old to start something new...or to rededicate.  Good read.

Here is the link to IAR resources I mentioned in the learning meeting.

Second notice:  October 29 will be our 3 screen assembly.  We will be on a afternoon double assembly schedule with 5th and 6th grade watching Be More Awesome at 1:00pm with 7th and 8th grade either doing SSR or another activity that the grade level team decides.  Then at 1:40pm 7th and 8th grade will be called down to watch Fix-It while 5th and 6th grade does SSR or a team lead activity. 


I may have an opportunity to place two student teachers, one in math and one in ILAR/SS for an interested 5th or 6th grade teacher.  Please let me know ASAP if interested. 

What is the point of a maker space?  listen to the podcast or just read the summary paragraph.

Mark your calendar, the PTA will be hosting a lunch for you on October 22nd and will be in the lunchroom looking for ideas on how to spend some of their money.  Come with ideas.  They will be sending a formal invite soon.  If you have not signed up for your $5 PTA membership, do so soon! 

Take a few short breaks instead of a long one!

Thanks to everyone for turning in their growth goals and alternative evaluation plans.  Please see me today if you have not had a chance to do so yet. 

Thanks to Alex for finding this growth mindset resource!

Don't forget about Megan P's invitation to be involved in the Project Lit club and grab one of the books to read.  I am sure the kids will appreciate your participation. 


Trust me, you can dance." -- Beer