Thanks to Jessica and Lauren for adding the NJHS Pizza Dinner experience to our Red White and Beautiful night, many grateful parents and teachers for the added convenience.

Lyn talked to me about having to go home and ICE her knee etc...from all of the artwork she hung throughout the last two weeks. The halls look awesome and is a tribute to her wonderful curriculum.
Good article on how books can help (not fix) teens with mental health issues. Including a list of books.
The Wings of Hopes and Dreams was another wonderful addition that April Spearheaded. Parents loved taking their child's picture with the wings to create a Kodak Moment. (younger teachers, Kodak wasa camera and film company before cell phones and Instagram)

Michelle F and Kathy were working hard last night at the bookfair, it was a busy place and when one of the registers went down it was all hands on deck. Having a lot of parents buying books is a good problem to have.

The Dynamic Duo of Melissa and Matthew put on a great show to a gym packed with parents and family members on both sides of the bleachers.

Jen and Lynette had the hallway smelling great with their healthy cooking samples last night. Having students help made a real difference.
Chris and Lynette are getting the talent show practices underway. I'm looking forward to the variety of acts and students displaying their talent.
The important role of teachers in technology integration.

Bill and Megan are busy with student "How To" Speeches, this is another great way to not only strengthen their academic writing but for students to display their knowledge, interests and skills.
Many people put in grant proposals for the Foundation! I am looking forward to the presentations on Thursday, April 25th.
Teacher check-in chart for feelings goes viral.

4th grade students will be in the house on Tuesday, along with parents that evening. Thanks to Melissa L for organizing this day and to the 4th and 5th grade teachers for their participation. This is a great day and evening to ease nerves and talk about our transition process.
Shout out to Laura P and our Evergreen brothers and sisters who will be celebrating their Blue Ribbon Achievement with a Community Parade on Wednesday. Great Job!

"For every minute spent in organizing, an hour is earned." --Benjamin Franklin
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