Thanks to Namita for doing a great job filling in for Ellen T in the office this week. She has been doing an outstanding job!
Choose your habits well.
Grant presentations went well yesterday with a lot of teachers applying for grants. We will definitely be looking for ways to fund as many of these great ideas as possible for student learning.
Adrienne Moreno and the 7th grade team have the career fair organized and ready to go. Lots of 7th grade parent volunteers with a wide variety of careers make for an exciting and educational day for our 7th grade students.
Evergreen's National Blue Ribbon Award parade on Youtube
4th grade student orientation and parent night was a great success. It could not have happened without the help of a lot of people including Melissa L, Chris F, Melissa F, Danielle D, Alex A, and Matthew. Also thanks to Ellen and Kim for helping with the parent communication and lunch portion of the day.

Newsletters are due, please send your newsletter in sometime today.
What a wonderful day for a Cubs game as the 8th grade teachers brought the 8th graders to Wrigley yesterday for their reward trip. The score did not match the great time that the students had.
A library full of virtual field trips. Check them out!
Dan Baker has been doing a wonderful job as the AD. We appreciate his willingness to roll up his sleeves and jump in when needed.

Here is the link that I sent earlier in the week for the great PD opportunity in Aurora for the SAMRi Teacher Camp. Check it out.
Thanks to Marcia who has been working extremely hard to meet the varied needs of our students and staff this week.
Melissa L had an awesome cooking class for some students last Wednesday as they prepared gnocchi among other things, how fun!

Matthew and the BMS band played a gig out in the community last night, what a great experience for these developing musicians!
George Orwell's 6 rules for writing

Thanks to Tim, Tony and Frank who were among the staff members asking Megan P's students to read their poems to them on "poem in your pocket" day.
8 ways to encourage older students to develop a sense of imagination.

Megan D helped two students get a picture of them holding their current book they are reading, signed by the author, pretty cool.
Ted Talk on Vulnerability
“Before you marry a person, you should first make them use a computer with slow Internet service to see who they really are.” - Will Ferrell