Good luck to Lynette, Jen, Corey, Heather F and Kim L as they take our 8th graders to Sportsfest at WCCHS.
Teach Thyself Resources....To improve yourself as an educator check out these twelve pages which include: Blogs, Chats, Hashtags, Webinars, YouTube, Videos, MOOCs, How To, PLN-PLC, Podcasts, and My Technology pages
The NJHS fundraising machine keeps trucking, dodge-ball, Bear rescue bundt cakes, Relay shirts, thanks to Jessica and Lauren for working so hard on these efforts.
The citizenship award ballot of 8th grade nominees will be in your mailbox shortly, please make sure to vote for your picks and turn them into my Inbox by end of the day on Monday!
Research Tested Benefits of Breaks

Thanks to Ellen for putting together the un-birthday celebration and for the new SOM bulletin board!
Thanks to Chris for working hard on all of the 4th and 5th grade grade gifted and talented identification matrix's.
New Master Schedule for next year coming soon!
Thanks to Sherry and April for their thorough and engaging presentation on Wednesday at the staff learning meeting. Sharing ideas with each other can lead to thought, reflection, growth and the realization that there are multiple ways to reach our students that are unique and connected to our personality and teaching style.
Thanks to Colleen Morgan for her work yesterday with the 6th grade students and their wind skimmers. Hands on science in action.

We are lucky to have Jim Reuter Executive Director from the Carol Stream Park District with our PE classes today to present their anti-graffiti campaign to our students.
Thanks to MJ for working with me to get our summer school set for this June.

On Thursday May 10th at 8:30am Tim will be delivering all the scarce donations to the Glen Ellyn facility. If you have anything for SCARCE make sure it makes its way down to door 2 by Wednesday, May 9th.
Thanks to Courtney, Bill, and Abby for running a great track meet on Tuesday. It is a lot of work, special thanks to current and future AD's Keriann and Dan for helping out and to all staff volunteers who made the meet run so smoothly.
Taking care of yourself should be a priority.
Thanks to Michelle for scheduling the summer reading presentations for May 23rd.
Thanks to Bill, Megan and Keriann and Mark for the extra effort they are putting towards helping Namita and our 8th grade success track students.
May the 4th Be With You, Where to start reading Star Wars Books.

Next week is Teachers Appreciation Week and we are celebrating by having as many activities and schedule interruptions as humanly possible! On a serious note I appreciate the unique and varied talents of the staff here at Benjamin. Separately we are able to reach a wide variety of students, together we are making a real difference in all of our students lives. Thank you!

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