Thanks to Ellen for always being so creative with the student of the month bulletin board. The cell phone theme is right on target.
The Ten Commandments of Effective Communication.
I'd like to welcome Angela back. Checking in with teams/teachers and working with students has kept her busy this week.
Lets "Be There" for each other.

Today marks the end of the first trimester. Thanks for all of the hard work that went into your classes. I appreciate the creativity and innovation I see by teachers in my classroom visits.
Speaking of classroom visits, just a reminder that Tuesday, September 14th is parent visitation day. No special plans necessary, getting to see teachers and students in their daily routine is very valuable.
Pretty awesome video of student completing an assignment given by his professor. I could see this at BMS. (You have to get past the first 30 seconds)
Thanks to Greg and Mr. Johnson for keeping up with their robotics club. Their Friday afternoon turn-out is very impressive.
Health time has arrived, thanks to Jen and Lynette for providing the students with a solid health foundation leading into their healthy cooking unit in about 4 weeks.
Smart Strategies for Student Success.

Big props to Mrs. Dunne who had her students create cards for the board members that will be given out to them on November 13th for School Board recognition. Michelle and Kathy also helped by creating book dedication stickers.
Thanks to Tony and Frank for giving the extra effort this week with all of the set-ups and take-downs, not to mention the frequent bathroom checks they have been doing the last couple days.
Pixars 22 rules of storytelling.
I'm looking forward to hearing about April and Sherry's trip to Boston at the Learning and the Brain Conference this weekend. I'm sure their presentation on STEM Technology at an upcoming learning meeting will be spectacular.
Thanks to Kim for working the long hours at the P/T conferences these three nights. I appreciate her work ethic and sense of humor.
Three different ways for students to take notes.

Once again I heard many positive comments from both teachers and parents last night. "We feel very lucky to have our students go to school here" "The teachers are like super teachers" I had really good conversations tonight with parents tonight" are just a few comments of many that were shared with me.

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