Thanks to the 8th grade team for articulating with WCHS on Wednesday for the student recommendation process. The communication helps the successful transition of our students for next year.
Good luck to Joe S and our Benjamin Chess Team as they play at the big tournament this Saturday at Benjamin.
Thanks to Tim for being on the job for many of the district's day to day needs. Many of the things he takes care of are behind the scenes so that they don't become a concern for us.
Today is the last day of the PTA membership contest. If you have not joined you can help your grade level win the prize. Plus it is a great investment to a parent group that gives back to our district.
Thanks to Jen H, Lori P, Matt T, Lynette, Bill, Courtney, Rich, Jen P, Jim, Jen V, and Jessica (who is going into lunch retirement) and super sub Corey for always working hard during lunch duty. Eating standing up by a garbage can isn't a glamorous job, but it is appreciated.
It's 5 Essential Survey Time. Please take the survey at your earliest convenience. Greg will put the shortcut on our desktops. 6th-8th grade students will also take the survey before January 18th. Team Leaders please let me know when you plan on giving this with your students.
Thanks to Matt for organizing a Band Thanksgiving today at 4:45pm. What a great event to bring parents and students together to celebrate accomplishments and strengthen the organization.
PTA will be providing a breakfast this morning. Please make sure that you have joined PTA if you have not done so already. PTA Membership is only $5 and they do so much for our school. Their will be a renewed membership drive for families run through grade levels after break.
Report Cards will be passed out 8th period as we call a special homeroom session during the last 10 minutes. Thanks to Kim for working through the problems that comes with pulling the data, formatting and printing the report cards.
It's Greek to Me was awesome...thanks to Ellen for organizing the event and decorating.
The 8th grade and 7th grade reward trips are today. Roller skating and revolution performance are the orders of the day.
American Education Week has been action packed from parent visitation to foodapalooza everyday, and topped off by winning the Tribunes Top Workplace Award. It is no surprise that our district was named to that list when we have such an outstanding staff supporting students and each other everyday. When you bring a bunch of talented educators together with different strengths and creative talents that work hard, innovate and collaborate it makes for a very special workplace. YOU make this a special workplace. Thank you.
Thanks to Melissa L. in advance for all of the hard work she put into today's amazing Veteran's Day Assembly and having the choir ready to perform, Also thanks to Matt Turek for having the band ready to perform. Both the Band and Choir will be performing at Evergreen later in the afternoon.
Thanks to Ellen for always being so creative with the student of the month bulletin board. The cell phone theme is right on target.
I'd like to welcome Angela back. Checking in with teams/teachers and working with students has kept her busy this week.
Lets "Be There" for each other.
Today marks the end of the first trimester. Thanks for all of the hard work that went into your classes. I appreciate the creativity and innovation I see by teachers in my classroom visits.
Speaking of classroom visits, just a reminder that Tuesday, September 14th is parent visitation day. No special plans necessary, getting to see teachers and students in their daily routine is very valuable.
Pretty awesome video of student completing an assignment given by his professor. I could see this at BMS. (You have to get past the first 30 seconds)
Thanks to Greg and Mr. Johnson for keeping up with their robotics club. Their Friday afternoon turn-out is very impressive.
Health time has arrived, thanks to Jen and Lynette for providing the students with a solid health foundation leading into their healthy cooking unit in about 4 weeks.
Big props to Mrs. Dunne who had her students create cards for the board members that will be given out to them on November 13th for School Board recognition. Michelle and Kathy also helped by creating book dedication stickers.
Thanks to Tony and Frank for giving the extra effort this week with all of the set-ups and take-downs, not to mention the frequent bathroom checks they have been doing the last couple days.
I'm looking forward to hearing about April and Sherry's trip to Boston at the Learning and the Brain Conference this weekend. I'm sure their presentation on STEM Technology at an upcoming learning meeting will be spectacular.
Thanks to Kim for working the long hours at the P/T conferences these three nights. I appreciate her work ethic and sense of humor.
Once again I heard many positive comments from both teachers and parents last night. "We feel very lucky to have our students go to school here" "The teachers are like super teachers" I had really good conversations tonight with parents tonight" are just a few comments of many that were shared with me.
Thanks to everyone for keeping up with such a busy schedule for parent teacher conferences, I know many of you went non-stop without a break. I appreciate all of the effort and preparation that you put into these very important nights of parent/teacher communication for student success.
How bout them soups! Thanks to Ellen and Kim for organizing the OG Feast. Don't forget donuts tomorrow morning courtesy of Dwayne Ackerman.
I will be delivering two extra student device power cords to each classroom to help when students forget theirs.
Dr. Ehrhardt gave me an article that led to me finding this great math website. This link is on The Three Acts of a Mathematical Story. Great Article for all, click the link to the video when you have more time,
Thanks to Lauren Dunne who set up student volunteers for our PT conferences. Super organized and very helpful!
Don't Touch the Glass in this virtual shark museum in DC.
Sherry had an awesome Day of the Dead celebration in her room Wednesday complete with Horchata and other Spanish treats with parent volunteers helping out. Nice job!
Thanks to Greg for presenting the phone voice over IP system on Wednesday. Please see me if you did not get the directions.
Chess Tournament December 2, Benjamin Middle School. More information to follow.
Thanks to Coleen for organizing the student council trip to Feed My Starving Children this week. What a great learning experience for those students.
Melissa is making this Veterans Day Assembly one to remember, first the VFW color guard and now Abigail Farthing from Team Rubicon will be our Keynote Speaker. Don't know Team Rubicon? Read Melissa's summary below:
I am very excited that through a
team effort, we will have a representative from a veterans organization called
Team Rubicon both as a keynote speaker at our assembly and to kick off our
veterans service project. I became aware of Team Rubicon watching
60 Minutes after Hurricane Harvey, Hurricane Maria and after the earthquake in
Mexico City. We had already collected for Harvey and it was weighing
heavily on me that we should do something for Puerto Rico, Florida and Mexico
City, but I also knew that we had Veterans Day coming up...then I saw this
amazing story about Team Rubicon on 60 Minutes. Members of this
organization were deployed going door to door assisting people clean up in aftermath
of Hurricane Harvey in Houston. The organization was started by veterans
who had returned from battle or service, but still wanted to help out...wanted
to serve.
A brief summary of Team Rubicon from
their website: In the days following
the devastating earthquake in 2009 in Haiti, many traditional aid organizations
were slow to establish relief efforts, citing dangerous and unstable working
conditions. Troubled by the scenes in Port-au-Prince and the lack of proper
aid, two Marines, Jake Wood and William McNulty, decided to act. Gathering
supplies and volunteers, the small group of veterans, first responders, and
medical professionals deployed to Haiti in the days following the earthquake.
Roughly 70% of Team Rubicon volunteers are military veterans. Many of
the skills gained in the military – things like emergency medicine, small-unit
leadership, logistics, and experience in austere environments – translate well
to disaster response. Military service does not define a Team Rubicon member,
nor is it required. Many of our volunteers are pulled from the civil service
sector. Firefighters, medical professionals, law enforcement officers,
teachers, and mental health providers are among the diverse careers held by TR
I was talking to Betty
about this and she mentioned that Megan Dusing's sister does PR for a veteran’s
organization. We found out it is none other than Team Rubicon. Her
sister made a few calls, put Megan in contact with the Chicago office....and
here we have a speaker and a service project.
The person who will be
coming to our assembly: Abigail Farthing is a former soldier who worked
as a military police for the US Army. While in the Army, Abi worked in
Alaska, Washington DC and Iraq. She comes from a military family and grew
up traveling the world with her family. She has volunteered with Team
Rubicon for several years and enjoys the opportunity helping people recover
from natural disasters.
Again, she will serve as our key note speaker as well as to speak about our
fundraising effort for Team Rubicon, a veteran’s organization that continues to
serve by helping recovery and rebuilding after natural disasters. I am
still working the details of our fundraiser and will involve students and
welcome your input.