The best way to learn anything:
Thanks to April for bringing in two guest speakers from Ball Seed for her 7th grade Fusion Out of the Silo Class. Students were able to see what they were learning applied in the real world.

7 ways to add complexity to a task.
Sherry did a great "Break-Out" lesson with her 7th grade spanish class. Students were engaged in learning, having fun and competing all as they reviewed important material for the next quiz.
Realize that failure and difficulties make you, not break you

Thanks to Lynette and Courtney for covering lunch duty and Lynette for covering morning bus duty while Bill is at outdoor ed, much appreciated.
3 crucial elements to being a change agent.

Thanks to Alex for setting up Prizefest on Tuesday and to Ellen and Kim for facilitating the "product", couldn't have done it without you.

It's not too late, pack up the family and bring them to the Foundation Fall Fest this Sunday from 12:30pm-4:00pm. As an added bonus, it's at Benjamin Middle School, so you already know how to get there! I will be there working the grill with Tim and Dr. Ehrhardt. Hope to see you there. Special thanks to Megan D and Melissa M for being on the foundation committee and helping with the planning.
John Dewey, born on this day in 1859. Pretty deep, but worth the read on creativity, life and the importance of difficulties.

Social Studies and Math Teachers, thank you for utilizing some of your plan time to look at the curriculum and new resources.

"All of us do not have equal talent, but all of us should have an equal opportunity to develop our talents." - John F. Kennedy
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