Watch this cool video on Motivation by Author Daniel Pink who wrote the book DRIVE. This is a new video, highlighting the book, not the one I shared previously.
I'd like to Thank Stephen for all of the time he spent with us in Angela's absence. I have had many compliments about his ability to work with people, problem solve, tech knowledge and sense of humor. You will be missed.
Michael Miles in Melissa's room.

Newsletters are due on Monday...just a reminder.
OK...this is the "If you only watch/read one thing" from the blog this week. A Burger King PSA on Bullying...yes Burger King...Powerful
Thanks to Chris and Lynette for having the 5th and 6th grade talent show tryouts yesterday. Word on the street is that there were no singing auditions, just juggling acts and the magicians. On a serious note thanks for giving the opportunities for students to display their many talents.
The essay that a student wrote about Costco that got her into 5 Ivy League Schools and Stanford.
Thanks to Megan D, MJ and Alex along with Ellen and Greg for serving on the District Technology Advisory Committee Wednesday Night. We had a lot of good input from staff, students and parents.

Thanks to Matt Tylk, Corey, Dan B, Rich, Bill and Keriann for being at the Fall Sports Awards Night on Wednesday. It was great to see students and coaches getting recognition for a job well done.
Dr. Peter H. Diamandis laws for living...I like #20, #22 and #27

Thanks to Danielle and Melissa for doing many days of auditions and posting the Cast list for "How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying. " I know this is just the first step in what will be a tremendous effort to put on another spectacular musical at Benjamin.