Friday, October 27, 2017


Jessica put out another fine edition of the Tiger Times.  Kids are definitely reading it as I was asked a million times what my favorite candy was yesterday.

Watch this cool video on Motivation by Author Daniel Pink who wrote the book DRIVE.  This is a new video, highlighting the book, not the one I shared previously.
Front Cover

I'd like to Thank Stephen for all of the time he spent with us in Angela's absence.  I have had many compliments about his ability to work with people, problem solve, tech knowledge and sense of humor.  You will be missed.

Michael Miles in Melissa's room.

Newsletters are due on Monday...just a reminder.

OK...this is the "If you only watch/read one thing" from the blog this week.  A Burger King PSA on Bullying...yes Burger King...Powerful

Thanks to Chris and Lynette for having the 5th and 6th grade talent show tryouts yesterday.  Word on the street is that there were no singing auditions, just juggling acts and the magicians.  On a serious note thanks for giving the opportunities for students to display their many talents.

The essay that a student wrote about Costco that got her into 5 Ivy League Schools and Stanford.

Thanks to Megan D, MJ and Alex along with Ellen and Greg for serving on the District Technology Advisory Committee Wednesday Night.  We had a lot of good input from staff, students and parents.

Thanks to Matt Tylk, Corey, Dan B, Rich, Bill and Keriann for being at the Fall Sports Awards Night on Wednesday.  It was great to see students and coaches getting recognition for a job well done.

Dr. Peter H. Diamandis laws for living...I like #20, #22 and #27

Thanks to Danielle and Melissa for doing many days of auditions and posting the Cast list for "How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying. "  I know this is just the first step in what will be a tremendous effort to put on another spectacular musical at Benjamin. 

Friday, October 20, 2017


Thanks to all of the chaperones to the Outdoor Ed Trip and to Lauren for holding the fort down back home.  Your dedication to go the extra mile is appreciated.

The best way to learn anything:

Thanks to April for bringing in two guest speakers from Ball Seed for her 7th grade Fusion Out of the Silo Class.  Students were able to see what they were learning applied in the real world.

7 ways to add complexity to a task.

Sherry did a great "Break-Out" lesson with her 7th grade spanish class.  Students were engaged in learning, having fun and competing all as they reviewed important material for the next quiz.

Realize that failure and difficulties make you, not break you

Thanks to Lynette and Courtney for covering lunch duty and Lynette for covering morning bus duty while Bill is at outdoor ed, much appreciated.

3 crucial elements to being a change agent.

Thanks to Alex for setting up Prizefest on Tuesday and to Ellen and Kim for facilitating the "product", couldn't have done it without you.

It's not too late, pack up the family and bring them to the Foundation Fall Fest this Sunday from 12:30pm-4:00pm.  As an added bonus, it's at Benjamin Middle School, so you already know how to get there!   I will be there working the grill with Tim and Dr. Ehrhardt.  Hope to see you there.  Special thanks to Megan D and Melissa M for being on the foundation committee and helping with the planning.

John Dewey, born on this day in 1859.  Pretty deep, but worth the read on creativity, life and the importance of difficulties.

Social Studies and Math Teachers, thank you for utilizing some of your plan time to look at the curriculum and new resources.

"All of us do not have equal talent, but all of us should have an equal opportunity to develop our talents." - John F. Kennedy

Friday, October 13, 2017


Congratulations to Bill and Danielle for doing an outstanding job with the Cross Country Team as they did a great job all season and with the Conference meet last night.  Handling all of those kids is definitely an art.  Also good luck to Rich, Dan, Matt and Corey with their weekend conference tournaments starting Friday.

Jessica found this wonderful article on reading instruction:

We need teachers who can donate baked goods or set up a track or treat table or just volunteer to work at the District 25 foundation Fall Fest on Sunday, October 22nd.  Please let Melissa or I know if this is an option for you. 

49 Great Educational websites and Apps to learn something new.

Image result for pineapple  Image result for chart

nuff said?  I'm waiting to sub for someone....

Great Article..if you read one thing from the blog this week (then you are really missing out :)!) read this.
Taking Compound Time....Just don't do Number #2 at work please!

You can always get better, from the book Peak.

Congratulations to Danielle who will be expecting another baby come the end of May.  We are all very excited for you and your family.

Please encourage students to join the chess team when you hear the announcements.  We are trying to build a powerhouse team and your voices mean a lot to the kids. 

Elanor Roosevelt on happiness and being your own person.

I'm getting excited with all of the Theater Club clues that have been read over the announcements.  I have it narrowed down to Cats or The Wiz!  😀😀😀

As Khan Academy keeps evolving, they will now create a personalized study plan for the year when students tell them what subjects they are taking.  Still 100% free.

Congrats to Colleen, Jen V and Lynette for being recognized at the board meeting for their hard work in securing grants for the Healthy Eating and Lorado Taft Programs.

What is Visual Note taking and how can it help students?

Thanks to all of the ILAR teachers today who have welcomed Pearson reps in their classrooms to assist with the My Perspective program. 

Matthew found this great quote to share in the blog this week. 

"Between Teacher and Child,
I have come the a frightening conclusion. I am the decisive element in the classroom. It is my personal approach that creates the climate. It is my daily mood that makes the weather. As a teacher I possess tremendous power to make a child's life miserable or joyous. I can be a tool of torture or and instrument of inspiration. I can humiliate or humor, hurt or heal. In all situations, it is my response that decides whether a crisis will be escalated or de-escalated, and a child humanized or de-humanized."
Haim Ginott 

Friday, October 6, 2017


Thanks to Nicole for presenting the mandated training this morning.  Please remember to bring a computer. 

How detaching from technology can make you more productive.  I'm adopting a couple of these.
7 Simple Hacks That Will Radically Improve Your Productivity

What a feast yesterday for October Fest.  A huge thank you to Ellen and Kim for organizing and putting the lunch together.

Monsters Due on Maple Street.  Lesson plans....anyone remember?  Rod Serling....Red Scare..?
The Monsters are Due on Maple Street Lesson Plans

Thanks to Mark for running the 8th grade Washington D.C parent meeting last night.  Highlighting how educational and fun this trip is for the parents will increase student interest and hopefully participation.

Google's new ear buds can instantly translate 40 languages.

Thanks to Shelley for organizing the Health screenings today and to Jen S for getting the healthy snacks. 

Thanks to Betty and Alex for giving the learning meeting presentations.  Here is the link to Alex's presentation. Please see Betty if there is more information/packets/links that you need from her presentation.

From Angela Duckworth...WOOP....WOOP develops self-control so that students can earn better grades, develop physical fitness, and build stronger relationships   30 minute activity for 6th-12th graders

Yale launches 170,000 archive of Great Depression photos.  
dorothea lange

Thanks to all of the Club Sponsors for "being there" for students interested in extra-curriculuar activities.  By keeping them engaged after school you are allowing students to explore interests and build skills. 

From Creative Schools

Thoughts on teaching Math.  

Thanks to Stephen for putting on the Google Class today.  I am looking forward to stopping in and learning.